
yǎnɡ zhū
  • cultured pearls
  1. 但养珠也跟真珠一样光彩美丽。

    But the cultured pearls have equal lustre and are just as beautiful .

  2. 您要真珠还是养珠。我们两们都有。

    Natural pearls or cultured pearls ? We have both kinds .

  3. AGOBAY亲历了100年的珍珠养殖史,现在传统的日本养珠人正被珠蚌的高死亡率困扰。

    After 100 years of continuos pearl culture in Ago Bay , traditional Japanese pearl farmers are now battling with rising mortality rates .

  4. 海水养珠与淡水养珠的肉眼鉴别

    On Identifying Sea-water Pearl & Fresh-water Pearl by the Naked Eye

  5. 辨别真珍珠与养珠不容易。

    It is not EASY to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls .

  6. 要真珠还是养珠的。

    Natural pearls or cultured pearls .

  7. 嗯,珍珠的价值更高。不过实际上,养珠也跟真珠一样光彩美丽。

    Well , natural pearls are of higher value , but the cultured pearls have equal lustre and are just as beautiful .

  8. 养珠人应该所蚌放到良好的水域去,在工业发达国家很难找到这种地方,比如日本。

    So you need , as the farmer , to put the oyster basket into good water , and that is virtually unobtainable in an industrialised country like japan .