
  1. 本实验以EM作为饲料添加剂和水质净化剂,采用全封闭、半封闭与传统养殖方式&对照组在实验室水泥池(118d)养殖实验。

    EM as a fodder additive and purifying agent of water quality was added into closed , and semi-closed cement ponds with tiger shrimp ( Penaeus monodon Fabricius ) and a cement pond was not supplemented with the EM as a control .

  2. 有机养殖方式能较好地控制水体中的总氮和总磷浓度,D0普遍高于常规养殖,表现出较好的环境效益。

    Organic farming system can control the concentration of TN and TP in the water better , and concentration of DO is usually higher than the conventional counterpart , hereby , the organic way showed better environment benefit .

  3. 是一种很有发展前途的新型养殖方式。

    It is a new culturing model with good developing prospect .

  4. 不同气候类型及养殖方式胭脂虫蜡的相关性研究

    Relative Study on the Cochineal Wax under Different Climate Conditions and Cultivation Methods

  5. 这种养殖方式常见于智利海域和挪威峡湾,

    Commonly employed off the coast of Chile and in the fjords of Norway ,

  6. 一种最常见的养殖方式是网圈养殖,

    One of the most common aquaculture methods involves large pens made of nets ,

  7. 本文介绍了东北地区林蛙的生活习性、养殖方式和方法。

    This article introduces living habbits , ways and methods of breeding of forest frog in Northeast area .

  8. 在此基础上,辛格反对动物实验和工厂化的养殖方式,反对以动物为食,提倡素食主义。

    According to such a view , Singh opposes to animal experiments and factory farming methods and approves vegetarianism .

  9. 因此,南鲍北移是一个很有前景的养殖方式。

    Therefore , moving the abalone in the south to the north is a farming method of broad prospect .

  10. 但是畜牧专家卡洛琳·奥皮奥指出足以支撑这种养殖方式的土地、水源以及饲料有限。

    But livestock expert Carolyn Opio points out that the land , water and feed required to produce it are limited .

  11. 介绍了牙鲆亲鱼、苗种及养成各阶段的养殖方式、养殖条件发展情况。

    In this paper , we introduce the conditions to foster parent fish , to breed larvae and to culture juvenile fish ;

  12. 所有有机养殖方式均加深肉色(p<0.01)。

    All the flesh color of broilers in organic breeding was deeper than that of normal chicken ( p < 0.01 ) .

  13. 实行轮休轮养、资源保护与增殖的生态养殖方式:③发展生态种植业;

    Carrying out the ecological breeding mode of " fallowing and protection " together with resource protection and multiplication . ③ Growing ecological plantation .

  14. 采用水箱养殖方式,研究油茶皂素鱼毒制剂对常见淡水鱼虾的毒性作用。

    The toxicity function of tea saponin medicament on some of the common freshwater fish & shrimp was studied by breed aquatics in water tank .

  15. 在这期间,受运输能力以及饲料缺少等因素的制约,桂东南的禽畜养殖方式依然停留在传统的范围之内;

    During this peroid , the animal husbandry of southeast Guangxi took part in the far trade , and it was influenced by the capital .

  16. 这样的养殖方式不会杀死任何家禽,生产出的鸡块连最坚定的动物爱好者可能也会食用。

    And since it doesn 't involve killing any fowl , it may lead to chicken nuggets that even the staunchest animal lover will nibble on .

  17. 随着信息处理技术、人工智能技术以及图像处理技术的日益成熟,对过去传统的禽畜养殖方式产生了深刻的影响。

    With the information processing , artificial intelligence and image processing technologies becoming more sophisticated , the traditional ways of livestock farming has been changed a lot .

  18. 美国政府称,自1998年以来,控制环境下的高效养殖方式使猪排的价格降低了20%。

    The government says the efficiency of large-scale production in a controlled environment has helped reduce the price of a pork chop by nearly 20 percent since 1998 .

  19. 然而,在广泛推广有机畜牧业之前,有必要综合了解这种养殖方式给畜禽生产性能和畜产品品质造成的影响。

    Before extending organic husbandry broadly , however , it is necessary to understand the effect of this cultivation mode on the production performance and product quality of livestock .

  20. 这家餐馆现在享誉全球,原因是它不仅注重所用蔬菜作物和肉类来源的味道,而且注重它们的种植和养殖方式&不使用化学品或抗生素。

    The restaurant today is recognized worldwide for its focus not only on how its produce and meats taste , but how they are grown & without any chemicals or antibiotics .

  21. 发酵床技术,是基于控制猪粪排放与污染的一种养殖方式,其基本理念是实现养殖废弃物零排放,在猪的养殖和污染防治等方面具有重要意义。

    The technology of fermentation bed is based on the control emissions and pollution of pig manure as a breeding method , in order to achieve aquaculture waste " zero emissions " .

  22. 首先,分析了依靠新技术与优化养殖方式以提高养殖经济效益,对提升水禽产业竞争力的重要意义。

    At the beginning , it is proposed that to ameliorate the economic efficiency of farming through new technologies and methods optimization should be significant for improving industrial competitiveness of waterfowl industry .

  23. 蚌+鱼+光合细菌养殖方式对控制育珠蚌的月死亡量和缩短妈祖像形珍珠的养成时间有利;

    " the freshwater mussel + the fish + PSB " breed way and effectively check the monthly death rate of mother freshwater mussel and curtail the cultivate time of Mazu image pearls ;

  24. 在市场销售链方面,一家一户小规模分散养殖方式、河蟹质量较差以及加工河蟹能力相对乏力等,影响了泗洪县河蟹市场销售和加工转化;

    In market sale chain , the dispersive cultivation on a small scale , inferior quality of river crab and weak ability to process river crab influences the market sale and process of river crab .

  25. 与传统养殖方式相比,封闭式的循环流水水产养殖模式在资源需求、环境保护、生产能力等方面具有明显优势,已成为越来越多国家实现可持续发展的选择。

    Compared with those traditional technologies , recirculating aquacultural technology has obvious advantages on resource demands , environmental protection and production ability , which have been leading to more and more attractions and applications worldwide to achieve sustainable productions .

  26. 养殖方式由粗放型养殖向集约化和工厂化转化,将为计算机监控技术在水产养殖业的应用提供更大的空间。

    With the rapid development of aquaculture , the real-time monitoring is becoming even more important . As aquaculture continues to develop , especially the model changed from extensive farming to intensive farming , more space is provided to the computer monitoring system .

  27. 而传统的一家一户分散经营为主的畜牧业养殖方式,存在着很多弊端,不利于畜牧业的规模化生产和效率的提高,制约着农村经济的快速发展。

    However , as there are many disadvantages in the traditional-family-oriented and distributed operating mode of animal husbandry cultivation , which is not conductive to improve the efficiency and scale of animal husbandry production , the rapid development of rural economy has been restricted .

  28. 促进水产养殖增长方式转变基本途径:一要以市场为导向,按市场需求组织生产;

    The basic way for promoting the changes of aquaculture growth mode as follows : first , orientated by the market , organizing production in consisderation of demand in the market ;

  29. 虽然可以通过诸如改良种质、优化养殖技术等方式提高对虾的成活率,但是增强对虾的免疫机能是最为有效的解决途径之一。

    Although , such as improved germplasm can optimize the way of farming technology to improve the survival rate of shrimp , but shrimp enhanced the immune function is one of the most effective solution .

  30. 鱼类养殖产量和水库养殖方式对淡水养殖产量的影响较大。

    Fish aquaculture production and reservoir-aquaculture production have relatively great influence .