
  • 网络nutrient leaching
  1. 施加NH4+-N和NO3&N会产生负作用,使土壤养分淋失。

    The addition of nitrate or ammonium had a negative effect on soil nutrient leaching .

  2. 结晶有机肥与复合肥、尿素在土壤中养分淋失的比较研究

    Study on Nutrient Leaching of Crystal Organic Fertilizer , Compound Fertilizer and Urea in Soil

  3. 枯枝落叶层的养分淋失量以全K最大,其次为有机质、全N、全P。

    Thesequence of leaching loss from forest floor was K > organic C > total N > total P.

  4. 砖红壤地区旱地土壤肥料养分淋失研究进展

    Research Advances on Leaching of Fertilizer Nutrients in the Latosol Areas

  5. 红壤养分淋失的影响因子

    Influencing Factors of Leaching Nutrients in Red Soils

  6. 外加氮源对杉木叶凋落物分解及土壤养分淋失的影响

    The effect of nitrogen addition on soil nutrient leaching and the decomposition of Chinese fir leaf litter

  7. 不同控氮比控释掺混肥养分淋失特征和对小麦产量及相关性状的影响

    Effects of Bulk Blending Fertilizer of Controlled Release N with Different Controlled N Ratio on Wheat Yield and Related Traits and Nutrient Leaching Characteristics

  8. 洞庭湖区菜园土N、P养分径流淋失及其与蔬菜施肥的关系

    N and P Leaching and Its Relations with Fertilization in Vegetable Soils in Dongting Lake Area

  9. 此外,大强度的降雨对盐分的淋洗也起到关键性的作用,但也会导致养分的淋失。

    Additionally , heavy rain helped to leach the soluble salts out of the root zone , but the nutrients were also being leached .

  10. 利用排水采集器结合系列田间定位试验研究了土壤类型、利用方式、耕作和施肥对我国东南红壤丘陵区土壤养分的淋失的影响。

    Field lysimeters combined with long - term experiments were used to study nutrient leaching of red soils in a hilly region of Southeastern China .

  11. 因此有机肥与化肥配合施用能够有效减少养分的淋失总量和化肥的用量,降低化肥对生态环境的污染程度,起到保护生态环境的作用。

    So the nutrients leaching loss and chemical fertilizer application level can be decreased by the organic fertilizer combined with chemical fertilizer treatment , the pollution of environment by chemical fertilizer can be declined also , thereby protecting the ecological environment .

  12. 黑碳对玉米生长和土壤养分吸收与淋失的影响

    The Effects of Black Carbon on Growth of Maize and the Absorption and Leaching of Nutrients

  13. 在实验室条件下,将第四纪红壤进行淋洗试验,旨在研究第四纪红壤中阴离子态养分的含量及其淋失特征。

    In order to research the amount of anionic nutrients and their washing characteristics in Quaternary red soil , a washing experiment was laid in laboratory condition .

  14. 红壤养分退化研究Ⅲ:土壤和植株的养分淋失

    Nutrient degradation in red soils ⅲ: nutrient leaching losses from red soils and plants