
  • 网络bulk blend fertilizer
  1. 作物专用掺混肥在砂姜黑土地区施用的增产效果及效益分析

    Effect of some Special Compound Fertilizer on Shajiang Meadow Soil

  2. 硝铵系掺混肥研制中的问题与对策

    Problems in Development of Bulk Blended Fertilizer Based on Ammonium Nitrate and Counter Measures

  3. 控释掺混肥对番茄生长发育、产量及品质的影响

    Effects of Controlled-Release Bulk Blending Fertilizer on the Growth , Yield and Quality of Tomato

  4. 控释掺混肥对大蒜鳞茎产量、品质和氮素利用率的影响

    Effects of Controlled-releasing Bulk Blending Fertilizer Application on Garlic Yield , Quality and Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency

  5. 由于控释掺混肥供肥合理,养分损失少、利用率高,提高了作物产量。

    Blending controlled release fertilizer fertilization supplied rationally , less nutrient loss and increased crop yields .

  6. 不同养分配比控释掺混肥对番茄生长及产量的影响

    Effects of Controlled-release Mixing Fertilizers with Different Formulation of Primary Nutrients on Growth and Yield of Tomato

  7. 不同控释氮比例的控释氮掺混肥氮素淋失特征研究液体比例(混合)器

    Nutrient leaching characteristics of bulk blending fertilizer of controlled release nitrogen with different controlled nitrogen ratio liquid proportioner

  8. 养分释放可调控型有机无机掺混肥的创制及应用

    Preparation of Controlled Release Rare Earths containing Multi nutrient Compound Fertilizer and Formulating and application of controlled release organic and inorganic blending fertilizers

  9. 不同控氮比控释掺混肥养分淋失特征和对小麦产量及相关性状的影响

    Effects of Bulk Blending Fertilizer of Controlled Release N with Different Controlled N Ratio on Wheat Yield and Related Traits and Nutrient Leaching Characteristics

  10. 在相近施肥量下,控释掺混肥处理的水稻、小麦籽粒中蛋白质及淀粉含量较高,但各处理差异都不显著。

    The grain protein and starch content of rice and wheat were higher almost at the same dosage . But all the differences were not significant .

  11. 本试验研究了控释掺混肥在水稻、小麦、玉米等主要粮食作物上施用对作物及土壤养分的影响。

    This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of blending controlled release fertilizer fertilization on growth of rice , wheat , and corn as well as soil nutrients .

  12. 控释掺混肥兼有控释肥与普通肥料的特点,生产工艺简单,成本较低,成为缓/控释肥大面积推广主攻方向。

    Controlled release blend the characteristics of of fat both release fertilizer ordinary fertilizer production process is simple , low cost , slow / controlled release the mast area of promotion the main direction .

  13. 控释掺混肥在作物整个生长期作为基肥只施用一次,比普通肥减少两次左右的施肥次数,降低了劳动量,节约了社会成本,间接提高了农民收入,社会效益明显。

    Blending controlled release fertilizer as base fertilizer was applied only once throughout the growing stage , less than common fertilizer about twice fertilization , reducing the labor , saving the social costs , and indirectly enhancing the income of the farmers and social benefits .

  14. 稻田控释掺混专用肥对水稻生长的影响施肥用农家粪肥或混合肥料使地肥沃

    Effects of controlled-release compound fertilizer on growth of paddy rice in field

  15. 采用田间小区试验,以不施肥(CK1)和施用等NPK养分化肥(CK2)为对照,研究了掺混型缓释肥对冬小麦产量和品质的影响。

    An experiment was conducted in field to study the effects of bulk-blend controlled-release fertilizer ( BBCRF ) on the yield and quality of wheat compared to treatments of no fertilizer ( CK1 ) and fertilizer ( CK2 ) .

  16. 掺混型缓释肥对小麦产量及品质的影响

    Effects of bulk - blend controlled - release fertilizer on the yield and quality of wheat