
  1. 多媒体辅助《声现象》课堂教学效果研究

    Classroom Teaching Result Reach of Sound Phenomenon with the Help of Multi-media

  2. 液体中的瞬态光声现象

    Transient photoacoustic phenomena in liquid

  3. 使用有限元方法研究了流场和温度场对封闭空间内部声现象的影响。

    The influence of flow field and temperature field on the internal sound field is studied by FEM .

  4. 作为热声现象中的最基本问题,热声起振机理研究吸引了越来越多学者的广泛关注。

    As the fundamental problem of the thermoacoustic effect , onset mechanism of thermoacoustic systems has attracted more and more attention .

  5. 上篇主要以民间音乐中的支声现象为依据,围绕支声展开论述。

    In part 1 , with the heterophony phenomenon in folk music as basis , discussion is conducted according to heterophony .

  6. 本文以千人一声现象作为一个参照,理性分析龚琳娜的音乐。

    In this paper , taking " a thousand people sound " phenomenon as a reference , a rational analysis of the music of Gong Linna .

  7. 除给出振荡频率、强度随撞击长度和射流流速的变化规律外,本文还给出折板几何参数(折转角、折转长度)和板面条件对振荡致声现象的影响。

    In addition to the changes in acoustic pressure and its frequencies with the impinging length and the exit velocity , the influences are given by the configuration and surface state of the bent plate on acoustic pressure and its frequencies as well .

  8. 负载侧输出为低频方波电流,有效克服了MH灯声共振现象。

    The output current is operated at low-frequency square to prevent the acoustic resonance for MH lamps .

  9. RDX晶体颗粒压制中的声发射现象

    Acoustic Emission in Compression of RDX Crystalline Particles

  10. LiNbO3:Fe晶体的光致声发射现象

    Light induced acoustic effect in LiNbO_3 : Fe crystals

  11. 测试波形和数据表明:混沌调制技术能有效减小PWM电路产生的谐波,降低了输入级电路产生的电磁干扰,抑制了输出级的声谐振现象。

    It is shown by experimental data and testing waves that the chaotic modulation can decrease efficiently the PWM harmonics , reduce the electromagnetic interference , and suppress the acoustic resonance in HID lamp .

  12. 在此研究中,被试在汉语自然口语中Eh类型有声停顿现象出现的频率越高,有声停顿现象在其英语自然口语中的出现频率也越高。

    In the study , the more frequent the Eh-type filled pauses occur in their Chinese spontaneous speech , the more frequent the Eh-type filled pauses would be of in their English spontaneous speech .

  13. 在稳态阶段逆变器工作于半桥双Buck电路模式,灯电压电流为低频方波,有效地避免了声共振现象,本文阐明了其工作原理并给出了参数设计方法。

    Inverter operates in mode of Half-bridge dual Buck converter in steady state . Lamp voltage and current are low-frequency-square-wave . Lamp arc is stable without acoustic resonance . Operating principle and parameter design method are represented .

  14. 有线电视系统的交流声干扰现象的成因及其对策

    Wired Television System 's Exchange Sonic Disturbance Phenomenon Origin and Countermeasure

  15. 声反馈现象普遍存在各种扩声系统中。

    Acoustic feedback is a common phenomenon in public addressing system .

  16. 金属切削过程中的声发射现象及其研究的意义

    The AE Phenomenon and its Research Significance in Metal Cutting Processing

  17. 低温传热中的热声振荡现象研究

    Investigation of the thermoacoustic oscillation phenomenon in low temperature heat transfer

  18. 提出了绝缘子污秽放电的声发射现象,通过监测声发射信号可以监测污秽绝缘子。

    Insulator pollution flashover is monitored using acoustic emission detection .

  19. 该研究有助于增进对热声振荡现象的进一步理解与认识。

    This study will contribute to further understanding of the thermoacoustic oscillation .

  20. 闪声融合现象在噪声影响评价中的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies of Auditory Fusion Frequency in Noise Effects

  21. 岩石热破裂的声发射现象

    Acoustic emission phenomena of thermal cracking of sandstone

  22. 运用声悬浮现象测量声速的演示实验

    Measuring velocity of sound by using acoustic levitation

  23. 以超流氦为对象,对其沸腾传热过程中的热声振荡现象进行了研究。

    The thermoacoustic oscillation during film boiling heat transfer in superfluid helium is studied .

  24. 声悬浮现象的研究

    The Sound of The Sea Acoustic suspension phenomenon

  25. 关於流体的容变粘滞弹性理论及其在声吸收现象中的应用

    On the volume visco-elastic theory of fluids and its application to sound dispersion phenomena

  26. 几种高聚物拉伸过程中的声发射现象

    The Phenomena of Tensile Acoustic Emission of PS , POM , ABS and PC

  27. 本文主要研究了四点弯曲状态下的声弹性现象及其应用。

    Ultrasonic birefringence phenomena under four-point bending and its application are studied in this paper .

  28. 声流现象的研究及其应用

    Acoustic streaming and its applications

  29. 在实验室对岩石在温度影响下的声发射现象进行了初步的研究和探讨。

    The acoustic emission phenomena of sandstone under the effect of temperature were investigated and discussed in laboratory .

  30. 由于材料在拉伸破坏过程中的声发射现象,材料损伤缺陷的发生、发展都有明显的声发射特征。

    Both occur and development of material 's damage all have obvious acoustic emission ( AE ) property .