
yán yǔ hé chénɡ
  • speech synthesis
  1. 因速度商和开商大多表现出负相关的性质,在进行言语合成时,二者可以作为一个参数来设置。

    Because the speed of business and opened to mostly showed a negative correlation with the nature , in speech synthesis , the two can be used as a parameter to set .

  2. 中国音韵学和语音学在汉语言语合成中的应用模拟口声语音合成器

    From Traditional Chinese Phonology to Modern Speech Processing & Realization of Tone and Intonation in Standard Chinese ; simulate voice synthesizer

  3. 同样地,我们可以,我想我们应该说,我们确实把语言看成是,言语行为合成物或总和中其它的东西。

    By precisely the same token , we can and , I think we should say , we do infer language as something else from the composite or sum total of speech acts .