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dà fànɡ ɡuānɡ mínɡ
  • shine brightly
  1. 日落时分,你会看到街道熙熙攘攘,商店大放光明。

    At sundown you will find streets busy and shops aglow .

  2. 这天晚上,整个城市大放光明;礼炮在一齐放射——轰轰!兵士们都在举枪致敬。

    the whole city was illuminated in the evening , and the cannons went off with a bum ! bum ! and the soldiers presented arms .

  3. 再向下看,云层像灰色急流,在滚滚流开,好让光线投到大地上去,使整个世界大放光明。

    Next time I looked down , the clouds were rolling away like a grey torrent to let light reach the earth and make the entire world gloriously bright .