
Cassandras who predicted this army would be quick to mutiny overlooked the resilience and political savvy of its soldiers .
A year ago consensus held that China faced feeble growth and social revolt by an army of millions of laid-off workers .
Parched of profits at home , a growing number of multinational corporations are betting on China 's billion-strong army of shoppers to bail them out and the rest of the world .
As more and more millennials enter the startup scene , the pressure will be on them to build a story and an image .
Under Mr Moore 's plan , which will see the government awarding carbon credits to individuals and organisations involved in the cull , camels will be shot from helicopters or four-wheel-drive vehicles .
As more and more Chinese are sucked into the urban workforce , China has the opportunity to turn them into purchasers of its own products , weaning its economy off the export-dependency that still afflicts Japan .
In view of the non-regeneration of the cemetery land and according to the consuming mode of cemetery in Shanghai , the dead population will amount to ten millions while the cemeteries are draining Shanghai 's precious cropped land resources .