
  • 网络Tai Kok Tsui
  1. 新落成的大角咀街市位于市政大厦内。

    The new Tai Kok Tsui Market is located inside the district 's municipal services building .

  2. 她出生在大角咀,并在那里度过了人生的大段时光。那是香港的一个普通的社区,现在她仍能在那儿买到便宜的食品。

    She was born and spent most of her life in Tai Kok Tsui , an ordinary Hong Kong community where she can still buy cheap food .

  3. 大角咀也是麦兜成长的地方。

    It is also where McDull grows up .

  4. 直行至大角咀道,看见新九龙广场后,于大角咀道向左转,沿此路直行,直至看见对面马路的靓壳油站。

    Turn Left when you see New Kowloon Plaza and continue walk along Tai Kok Tsui Road till you see Shell petrol station .