
  • 网络witan;the Witenagemot
  1. 诺曼征服以前,英国的贵族会议被称作贤人会议,它在税收、立法、选举国王等重要问题上拥有较大权力,有力地限制了王权。诺曼征服以后,贵族大会议取代了贤人会议。

    Before the Norman Conquest , the council of baron was addressed in the Witenagemot , which has greater authority over the significant problems such as taxation , legislation and throne election .

  2. 威廉用由他的土地承租人组成的大议会取代了安各鲁撒克逊国王的顾问团-贤人会议。

    William replaced the witan , the council of the Anglo-Saxon kings , with the Grand Council of his new tenants-in-chief .

  3. 埃塞尔雷德死后没有留下有实力的撒克逊继承人,于是贤人会议选择了丹麦首领克努特为国王。

    When ethebred 's death left no strong Saxon successor , the Witan chose Canute the Danish leader , as king in .

  4. 最后,他们还创立了议会(贤人会议),向国王提供建议,这就成为了今天仍存在的枢密院的基础。

    Finally , they created the Witan ( council or meeting of the wisemen ) to advise the king , the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today .