
  • 网络authorized user;licensees;Authorised User
  1. 授权用户可以在任何时候、任何地方安全地访问重要的XML文档和XML模式。

    The authorized users have secure access to important XML documents and XML schemas at any time , from anywhere .

  2. ReviewDrafts&此小部件使授权用户能够查看PublishingServer中的草案项目,以及添加附件或注释。

    Review Drafts – This widget enables authorized users to view draft projects in Publishing Server , and to add attachments or comments .

  3. 本系统授权用户可在Internet任意一点应用浏览器访问该系统,实现对底层设备群的监控和管理。

    The user can be authorized to access the system at any spot in Internet by browser to monitor and control all lower terminals .

  4. String参数是资源名,您可以决定是否授权用户使用它。

    The String argument is the resource name that you want to determine whether the user is authorized to use .

  5. 一个存储库,例如关系数据库,可以为授权用户安全地共享XML文档和XML模式提供一个环境。

    A repository , such as a relational database , provides the environment to securely share XML documents and XML schemas with authorized users .

  6. 但GPS是由美国国防部控制的,对非授权用户,其所能获得的定位导航精度较低,且使用安全性无法得到保障。

    The GPS is controlled by the American Department of Defense . Its unauthorized user only can obtain low positioning accuracy without safety .

  7. 我们来看一下这个场景,PayrollService需要加密,因此只有授权用户可以访问。

    Let us consider a scenario where the Payroll Service needs to be secured so that it is accessed only by authorized users .

  8. 利用J2EE安全性编辑器(J2EE应用程序中的安全性确保只有授权用户可以访问应用程序)

    Making use of the J2EE security editor ( security in J2EE applications ensures that only authorized users can access the applications )

  9. 授权用户可建立到服务器上Informix实例的多个连接。

    That authorized user can establish multiple connections to an Informix instance on the server .

  10. 用户许可证决定并发访问SaaS应用程序的授权用户的最大数量。

    The user license determines the maximum number of authorized users to concurrently access the SaaS application .

  11. 还在MessageBrokerV6.1中引入的一个新功能是由授权用户通过ConfigurationManagerProxy应用程序远程设置和获取这些配置属性。

    Also new in Message Broker V6.1 is the ability to set and get these configuration properties remotely by authorized users through Configuration Manager Proxy applications .

  12. 创建一个任务,其中含有XPath表达式的动态人员解析被用于给授权用户分配任务。

    Create a task in which dynamic people resolution with XPath expressions is used to assign authorized users to tasks .

  13. GRANT语句允许授权用户对这些权限进行授权,而REVOKE语句用于删除这些权限。

    The GRANT statement allows an authorized user to grant these privileges and the REVOKE statement is used to remove them .

  14. DBMS本身具备安全管理功能,防止非授权用户对数据库进行非法存取。

    DBMS has its own security management , which prevent the non_accredited user from dealing with the datum in the database .

  15. 例如,菜单或门户页将不会显示未授权用户访问的链接或Portlet。

    For example , a menu or portal page will not show links or portlets that the user is not authorized to access .

  16. 提出的基于小波的频谱检测技术是小波信道扫描检测加小波细检测的频谱检测模型,针对的授权用户是基于OFDM调制的数字电视信号。

    The detection model is proposed in this dissertation is wavelet channel scanning detection with wavelet fine spectrum detection , which is used to detect the OFDM based digital television signals .

  17. 本文介绍一种新的通过公用电话网(PSTN)为授权用户提供时间信息查询、认证服务的电话授时系统&话路时间校对和认证系统。

    A new time-giving system named PSTN-based time-collating and authentication system is proposed . The system provides services of time information query and authentication .

  18. 认知无线电技术中认知用户(也称CR用户)对周围无线频谱环境准确、快速的检测,即频谱感知,是提高其频谱利用率、保护授权用户免受干扰的重要前提和核心技术。

    CR technology can sense the around wireless environment accurately and rapidly . Spectrum sensing is the important precondition and key technology to improve CR users ' spectrum utilization and protect primary users from interruption .

  19. 该算法通过对WEP加入一些随机性来随机化数据,并防止未授权用户的访问。

    The algorithm randomizes the data and prevents access from unauthorized users by adding some randomness to it .

  20. 在使用EFS加密文件之后,只有掌握密钥的授权用户才可以打开和使用加密过的文件。

    Once EFS is conducted , only the authorized user can open and use encrypted files with a key .

  21. GridPortal底层采用Globustoolkit中间件,为授权用户访问网格资源提供便利,并提供增强的网格服务功能。采用GridPortal能够大大拓展网格的应用范围。

    The portal allows trusted users seamless access to computational resources and grid services , providing a friendly Web GUI that takes advantage of the Globus Toolkit middleware , enhancing its basic services and capabilities .

  22. 本文研究了基于CR系统的协作中继功率分配问题,在确保不影响授权用户正常通信的前提下,最大化通信效率,兼顾用户间公平,以达到对用户发射功率的较好优化,提高网络吞吐量。

    In this paper , power control for cooperative communications based on CR system is studied to improve network throughput and achieve a better optimization of transmission power under the premise of primary users ' normal communication .

  23. groupName用于指定授权用户所在的组。

    The groupName is used to specify the group from which to authorize users .

  24. 除非购买者长期或永久地更换原先的受让人,否则不能重新分配授权用户ftl。

    An authorized user FTL cannot be reassigned unless the purchaser replaces the original assignee on a long-term or permanent basis .

  25. 在MakeConnection中,具备这种能力尤其重要,否则,未授权用户可以轻松截获发往其他系统的消息。

    This is particularly important with MakeConnection , because otherwise an unauthorized user could retrieve messages destined for another system .

  26. 用户许可证决定在企业生命周期中并发访问所有应用程序和在PaaS移动设备上构建SaaS应用程序的授权用户的最大数量。

    The user license determines the maximum number of authorized users to concurrently access all applications in a business life cycle and to build small SaaS applications on their PaaS mobile device .

  27. 从保护授权用户的角度出发,引入了对认知用户QoS的保证,使认知用户满足自身通信需求,最小化认知用户带来的干扰冲突概率。

    From the point of view of protecting the authorized user , the QoS of cognitive users is guaranteed , which meets communication demand of cognitive user , the purpose of the proposed scheme is to minimize the interference to the authorized users .

  28. 但是,以IP为核心的网络必须面对网络存在严重安全问题的严峻事实,最常用最有效的方法是采用各种技术手段维护正常的授权用户的访问,阻止非授权用户的非法访问。

    However , the IP network as the core network must face the serious security issues grim fact , the most commonly used method is the most effective use of a variety of technical means to maintain a normal visit to authorized users and prevent unauthorized users of illegal access .

  29. 授权用户单一安装(AUSI)&在每一个物理或虚拟服务器中访问一个Informix安装的单一用户或特定个人。

    Authorized User Single Install ( AUSI ) & A single named user or specific individual accessing one installation of Informix on each physical or virtual server .

  30. SSLVPN是采用安全套接层协议,无需安装客户端软件,授权用户能够从任何标准的WEB浏览器和互联网连接通过VPN专有隧道安全地接入网络资源,从而安全可靠地获取信息。

    SSL VPN is the use of Secure Socket Layer protocol , do not need to install client software , authorized users can WEB from any standard browser and Internet connection through a proprietary VPN tunnels to securely access network resources , so safe and reliable access to information .