
  • 网络part-subassemble standard;labour hygiene standard
  1. 正在为实现零部件标准化和减少推出的型号数量而努力。

    There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer

  2. 挤压模具设计制作:通用零部件标准化;

    Extrusion tooling making ; Use standardized parts , including tooling seats and tooling backing .

  3. 在产品系列合理化和零部件标准化及规范化的基础上详细分析了面向大规模客户化生产的产品设计方法。

    Based on the rationalization of products and the standardization of parts , the method of product design is analyzed in detail .

  4. 上个月,三星曾表示将以更低价格提供更具吸引力的智能手机,并试图通过将不同型号手机中的零部件标准化,实现降低成本的目的。

    Samsung said last month it would offer more attractive phones at lower prices , aiming to find cost savings by standardising the components used in different models .

  5. 我们都知道汽车并不是美国发明的,但美国却是最先将汽车零部件标准化并进行流水作业的国家。

    We all know that the car was not invented by American , but U.S.A is the first country to standardize the auto parts and use the assembly line .

  6. 产品设计部门实现产品模块化和零部件标准化设计的活动必将成为整个公司的持续改善活动的一个良好开端,为公司全面推进标准化打下基础。

    This standardization activity in product design department must be a good start of continuously improvement in whole company , then in turn a good basis of whole-aspect standardization in company .

  7. 具体内容如下:首先阐述了标准化和板式家具的概念及其二者的关系,对在企业实施零部件标准化重要意义进行了叙述。

    Concrete content is as follows : First elaborated the concept of the standardized and the plank style furniture and the relations of them , and discussed the vital significance to implemented the spare part standardization in the enterprise .

  8. 大型产品多项目定制生产是一种非常复杂的生产模式,其主要特征是定制设计工作量大、零部件标准化程度低、单件小批量与多项目并行生产、有限的关键设备能力。

    Large - Piece ETO is a complicated production mode with following characteristics : large ma mount of product design and process planing , low level of standardization of part , one - of - a - kind - production , limited capacity of key equipment .

  9. 在SolidWorks中,通过使用Excel表生成配置,在单一的文件中生成多个设计变化,开发与管理一组有着不同尺寸的零部件、标准件、系列件或其他参数的模型。

    In the Solidworks , many conversion types of design in one single file can be formed , and components and parts , standard part , series parts with different dimensions or the models of other parameters can be developed and managed by the scheme formed by the Excel .

  10. 试论家具零部件的标准化

    Try to Deliberate the Standardization of Part and Assembly of Furniture

  11. 该模型通过成本分解,计算底层零部件的标准成本,由下至上逐层滚动累加,最终得出产品的标准成本。

    By decomposition , calculation , and accumulation , we obtain the cost .

  12. 挤压铸造模具零部件的标准化研究

    The Research of the Squeeze Casting Die Components Standardization

  13. 辅助电机部分零部件的标准化、系列化、通用化设计探讨

    Design investigation of standard ization 、 seriation and generalization on some components of auxiliary motors

  14. 松木家具零部件尺寸标准化可以缩短加工时间,保证零部件的加工精度。

    The criterion of the dimension in components of the pine furniture can shorten the processing time and ensure the processing precision .

  15. 产品设计的模块化以及零部件的标准化和通用化是面向客户的产品定制的前提;

    The modularized design of the product and the standardization and versatility of the components are the premise of the customer-oriented product custom ;

  16. 在产品设计和开发过程中,零部件的标准化、系列化、通用化成为提高产品设计质量、缩短产品开发周期的有效途径。

    In the process of products design and development , the standardization , series and generalization of parts have been an effective approach to improve the quality of products design and shorten products development circle .

  17. 从某种意义上讲,零部件的标准及标准化己成为一个国家和企业设计制造水平的重要标志。因此,建立通用的符合国家标准和企业标准的标准件库是提高设计效率的重要保证。

    The standard parts and standardization is an important identification of the level of design and manufacture of a state and an enterprise The efficiency of design can be raised by establish the general standard-part library which is according to both the national and enterprise standards .

  18. 组合夹具是在夹具零部件高度标准化、规格化、系列化的基础上发展起来的,使用组合夹具可节约夹具设计制造工时和材料、缩短生产准备周期、保证产品质量。

    Modular fixture is developed on the base of the standardization , specification and systemization of the fixture . The application of the modular fixture can saving the develop time and materials , reduce the preparation cycle for development , and guarantee the quality of the product .

  19. 请看附录A,是使用于被此大纲所包括的产品之中的零部件的安全标准列表。

    See Appendix A for a list of standards covering components used in the products covered by this outline .

  20. 立杰公司真诚提供设计开发、模具制造、工装夹具制作、零部件制造和标准件采购服务。

    Leojet sincerely offers R D service , moulds fabricating , toolings test equipments fabricating , parts manufacturing and general parts sourcing service .

  21. 传动机构零部件疲劳设计的标准载荷谱

    Standard load spectrum in fatigue design of part and component of a drive unit

  22. 随着汽车零部件模块化、标准化程度不断提高,企业越来越注重核心能力的培养和核心业务的开拓,从外部获取资源已势在必行。

    As the improvement of modularization and standardization of the automobile accessories , enterprises start to focus more on fostering core competence and developing core business , outsourcing is imperative .

  23. 如因装配需要,由乙方在广州购买的零部件必须达到质量标准,并应事先经过甲方核准。

    All parts and components purchased in guangzhou , if necessary by Party B for transistor radios , must measure up to the quality of and be approved by Party A beforehand .

  24. 通过寻找新材料、采用针对性强的沙发专用设备等来改进沙发的生产工艺,使零部件规格化、标准化便于提高沙发的生产效率和沙发企业的自动化程度。

    Through looking for the new material , adopting such production technologies improving the sofa as the sofa dedicated device with strong points , etc. , make the spare part standardize , standardize the easy production efficiency which improve the sofa and automatic degree of sofa enterprises .

  25. 在设计的过程中,应该尽可能的减少产品中定制零部件的比例(包括开发性设计和适应性设计的零部件),增加变型设计零部件和标准件的比例。

    During the procss of designing , the proportion of customized parts , including developing design and adapting design , should be as small as possible . The proportion of transform design parts and standard parts be should be increased .