
  • 网络Open Archive
  1. 开放档案寄存中心拓展公共服务功能&对档案寄存中心的探讨

    To open archives store center and expand public service function : An exploration to archives store center

  2. 本馆开放档案以机读方式和部分纸质复制件提供利用。

    The open archives will be provided for use by means of computer-based reading and some paper photocopies .

  3. 对部门和事业单位档案馆开放档案的思索

    Some Thoughts on Opening of Records for Archives of Departments and Institutions

  4. 这种策略有时会导致机构开放档案,但并非总是如此。

    This tactic sometimes , but not always , results in release of the records .

  5. 从外交部开放档案看20世纪50年代中以接触始末

    Contacts between China and Israel in the 1950s As Seen from Declassified Files of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  6. 某些情况下,例如记者显示基于重大公共利益需要立即开放档案,申请可能得到加速处理。

    Under certain circumstances , as where a journalist demonstrates compelling public interest in immediate release , a requester may be entitled to expedited processing .

  7. 利用未开放档案的办法,由国家档案行政管理部门和有关主管部门规定。

    Measures for using the archives that are not yet open to the public shall be laid down by the national archives administration department and the competent authorities .

  8. 查阅干部个人档案、监察档案、诉讼档案、未开放档案(资料)信息需出示有关单位介绍信;

    Letter of introduction of units concerned is required for looking up personal files of cadre , supervision archives , lawsuit archives and information of unopened archives ( data ) .

  9. 开放性档案信息系统:背景、职责及功能

    The Background , Responsibility and Function of OAIS System

  10. 档案开放是档案利用的一种方式。

    Archive open-up is a kind of means to make use of archives .

  11. 最后,开放历史档案。

    Finally , open historical archives .

  12. 年末全国共有档案馆3902个,已开放各类档案4908万卷(件)。

    There were 3,902 archives in China where 49.08 million documents were made accessible to the public .

  13. 这用来掌握开放的档案记述件和帮助叉子和管理人员的资讯,在其他的目的之中。

    This is used to keep track of open file descriptors and assist fork and exec , among other purposes .

  14. 归档把条目放入档案中年末全国共有档案馆3706个,已开放各类档案3305万卷(件)。

    To put items in a file . There were 3,706 archives in China where 33.05 million documents were made accessible to the public .

  15. 开放公共档案资源,提高档案资源利用效率与档案服务水平是档案事业发展的大势所趋。

    Opening public records is needed for a socioeconomic progress and democracy of the rule of law , but also caused by their own archives development .

  16. 在第一部分中,论述了开放历史档案政策的形成背景;开放历史档案的进程;开放历史档案对社会、对档案工作和利用的影响。

    In the first part discusses the formation of an open archival policy background ; open the archives of the process ; open the archives of the society , and the use of archival work .

  17. 从八十年代开放历史档案以来,档案工作逐步从封闭走向开放,尤其近几年档案开放和利用工作取得了很大成绩。

    Since the historical archives have been opened in the 1980s , archival work has been heading for opening out of blocking , especially these years the job of archival opening and using has made some progress .

  18. 大学开放性数字档案馆建设框架的设计

    An OAIS-compliant Framework for Building University Digital Archives

  19. 而档案开放后,档案服务利用便成为了未来发展的趋势之一。

    File open , file services use has become one of the trends of future development .

  20. 对这些因素的分析可以使档案获得更好的开放,使档案的价值得到更好的体现。

    Analysis of these elements can help us to dispark files better and also incarnate its value better .

  21. 在实现档案信息化建设的过程中,应实现档案工作现代化、档案工作标准化、档案工作开放化、档案工作服务化。

    During archives information building , should realize the modernization , standardization , open and service of archives work .

  22. 与以前论文被存放在了作者主页或他们所在系的网页上的情况不同,更多的论文如今存放在了开放获取专题档案库中。

    More copies are being deposited in subject-specific open access archives than on the home pages of authors or their departments as was the case in the past .

  23. 日本利用因特网开放大批亚洲历史档案

    Japan Opens Large Numbers of Asian Historical Archives in Internet

  24. 我们有原始的文件,我和杰瑞需要研究这些材料。惠普向我们开放了他们的档案库。

    And we went into their archives when we were working on " Built to Last " .

  25. 除了树立开放、亲民的档案馆形象外,还应当构造来源广泛、大众化的传播内容。

    Apart from openness and approachability , ideal archives should be armed with extensive and popularized contents of communication .

  26. 本着档案为民服务的理念,本文通过论证得出档案的开放和利用是档案工作的出发点与归宿的结论。

    Based on the view that archives should serve for people , this essay proves that the starting and finishing point of the management of archives are utilization and opening to the public .

  27. 开放、自由的信息化社会需要开放、便捷的档案信息服务。

    Information society with its characteristics of opening and free requires the exoteric and convenient service from the archives .