
  • 网络Import Prohibition;import bans;of an import ban
  1. 这再次显示,要获得足以对商业格局产生实际影响的进口禁令是很难的,他表示。

    It shows one more time that obtaining import bans that actually have an impact on business dynamics is very difficult , he said .

  2. 俄罗斯回击了西方针对乌克兰危机对俄实施的制裁,出台了针对美国和欧盟食品的进口禁令,这项报复举措旨在损害外国农民的利益。

    Russia has hit back at western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis with import bans on food from the US and EU in a retaliatory step designed to hurt foreign farmers .

  3. 昨日,美国与欧盟围绕美国肉鸡进口禁令的冲突也进一步升级,美国要求世界贸易组织(wto)成立争端解决小组。

    The US also escalated a dispute with Brussels yesterday over restrictions on imports of US poultry , asking the World Trade Organisation to open a dispute settlement panel .

  4. 美国政府和猪肉行业代表也提出了抱怨,称中国因为担心甲型H1N1流感病毒而对美国猪肉实施了进口禁令。

    U.S. government and pork-industry representatives have also complained about China 's ban of U.S. pork because of H1N1 concerns .

  5. 在一个经历过列宁格勒(Leningrad)大围困和购买面包都要排队的国家,销毁令并没有像进口禁令那样得到广泛支持。

    In a country that lived through the Leningrad blockade and bread lines , the destruction decree has not been as widely popular as the ban .

  6. 医药出口的部分降幅,可能是美国食品和药物管理局(fda)去年对兰伯西制药公司(ranbaxy)产品施加进口禁令所致。

    Some of the drop in pharmaceuticals exports is likely to have come from the import ban imposed last year on Ranbaxy products by the US Food and drug administration .

  7. 培训师在Bubbles的脸书页面描述说她是“一只看起来又小又无助的大象”,Bubbles的父母死于象牙交易的大屠杀中,这场持续了20年的大屠杀在1989年因为象牙进口禁令才终结。

    The trainer describes her as ' small and helpless for an elephant ' on the animal 's Facebook page , after her parents were killed for their tusks during a 20 year slaughter which ended with the ban on ivory import in 1989 .

  8. 以往的进口禁令最终不了了之。

    In the past , attempts to ban imports have failed .

  9. 进口禁令带来的激励在理论上是巨大的。

    The stimulus the ban provides is great in theory .

  10. 进口禁令实施以来,科扎·诺斯特拉一直专注于提高质量。

    Since the import ban , Koza Nostra has mainly focused on improving quality .

  11. 比如说下面这条令人兴奋的消息:中国将解除对巴西牛肉的进口禁令。

    Take the exciting news that China would lift an embargo on Brazilian beef , for instance .

  12. 星期二,政府下令宰杀8万只鸡,并且发布了为期21天的禁止家禽进口禁令。

    On Tuesday , the government ordered the slaughter of80-thousand chickens and issued a21-day ban on poultry imports .

  13. 如果中国掴对从韩国进口禁令的几个关键,我们的整个经济能够动摇。

    If China slaps a ban on several key imports from South Korea , our entire economy can be shaken .

  14. 俄罗斯对欧盟新鲜蔬菜的进口禁令曾引发欧盟菜农危机,人们错误地将污染归咎于西班牙种黄瓜的农民。

    The Russian ban had compounded a crisis for EU vegetable-growers , with Spanish cucumber producers wrongly blamed for the contamination .

  15. 进口禁令并未让俄罗斯的食品更具竞争力,却人为制造了供应不足,在此过程中推高了食品价格。

    The ban isn 't making Russian food products more competitive but creating an artificial lack of supply and driving up food prices in the process .

  16. 猛虎组织没有立即对玩具进口禁令做出回应,而斯里兰卡政府称禁令只是暂时的。

    Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam rebels were not immediately available for comment on the toy ban , which the official said would be a temporary measure .

  17. 最近几周,在日本、德国、意大利和加拿大某些地区检测出了禽流感后,香港针对那些地区发出了家禽进口禁令。

    In recent weeks , Hong Kong has banned poultry imports from certain regions of Japan , Germany , Italy and Canada after bird flu strains were detected there .

  18. 海豹皮和海豹肉的贸易因2009年欧盟的进口禁令也大幅减少,尽管该禁令给原著民留下了有限的贸易权利。

    The trade in seal pelts and meat was curtailed by a 2009 import ban by the European Union , though this granted a limited exemption to indigenous peoples .

  19. 花椒生长于亚洲温带地区,是灌木或乔木花椒树的果实。由于担心这种植物会导致柑橘溃疡病蔓延,美国在1968年曾颁布过花椒的进口禁令。

    Harvested from prickly ash shrubs and trees in temperate parts of Asia , Sichuan peppercorns had been banned from the U.S. in 1968 out of fear they might spread citrus canker .

  20. 有些规定需要年年更新,其中一条进口禁令需要在7月份延期。一旦开始解除禁令,可以想象的是,部分行业的禁令有望得以解除,例如轻工业和农业。

    Some of the provisions need to be renewed annually , including a ban on imports that comes up in July and could conceivably be lifted for some sectors , such as light manufacturing and agriculture .

  21. 副主任谢尔盖·罗萨内克表示他公司的产品需求正在增加,但他仍然强烈反对,原则上,比如由俄罗斯市场对于西方进口禁令的限制。

    Deputy director Sergei Rezunenko says there is increased demand for his products , but he still is opposed , in principle , to market limits such as those created by the Russian ban on Western imports .

  22. 中国还同意取消对日本大米长达4年的进口禁令这是一种象征性的举动,将为25吨优质大米在未来几个月运至中国商店扫清道路。

    China also agreed to lift its four-year ban on rice imports from Japan a symbolic move that will clear the way for shipments of 25 tonnes of high - quality rice to Chinese shops in the next few months .

  23. 美国已针对中国的加工鸡肉产品实行了两年的进口禁令,对此,北京已禁止从美国数个州进口鸡肉产品。近几周又有报道称,美国新发货的家禽产品遭到非官方封堵。

    In response to a two-year-old US ban on processed chicken imports from China , Beijing has banned imports of US chicken from several states and , in recent weeks , reports have emerged of an unofficial block on new shipments of US poultry .

  24. banfrom禁止政府已解除了从日本进口的禁令。

    The government has lifted the ban on importing from Japan .

  25. 进口商抗议奢侈品进口的禁令。

    The importer be protest against the ban on luxury goods .

  26. 政府已解除了从日本进口的禁令。

    The government had lift the ban on import from japan .

  27. 政府对武器进口颁布禁令。

    The government has impeded an import ban unarm .

  28. 马英九保证,不让中国大陆工人入岛,并且保留对中国大陆农产品进口的禁令。

    Mr Ma has pledged not to allow Chinese workers in and to keep an import ban on Chinese agricultural products .

  29. 两位总统还签署协议,解除了俄罗斯对乌克兰进口的禁令,该禁令曾导致两国间贸易暴跌。

    The presidents also signed deals aimed at ending Russian bans on Ukrainian imports , which have contributed to a sharp fall in trade between the countries .

  30. 俄罗斯宣布了新的对挪威高跟鞋的进口限制禁令挪威的另一个重要的市场这是对因乌克兰危机西方制裁莫斯科的回应。

    The new restrictions come on the heels of an import ban announced by Russia another important market for Norway in response to western sanctions against Moscow over the Ukraine crisis .