- inlet;admission;air admission;onflow

[admission] 流体(如蒸汽)进入发动机气缸的动作
Study on Tangent Air Admission to a Compressor for Enlarging Its Flow Range
Study on Decreasing the Surging Flow of a Compressor by Tangential Air Admission
The intake valve was jammed open
Note Inner Tube material is copper , radiates quickly and durably .
η and K increase at the same time when inlet gas pressure increases ;
The COD value of water kept linear relation with the exhaust residence time .
The flow field measurement of the inlet box with complex geometry of fluid machinery using a PDA
A multi-block structured body-fitted grid for complex combination intake system with solving Poisson equations is built .
Experimental Study on the Influences of Feed temperature and Humidity for a Small-scale PSA Oxygen Unit
And using FLUENT software to model and analysis the gas inlet scheme and intake structure in detail .
By using the side-jet mode , EGR needs appropriate ignition timing .
Increasing appropriately the inlet air pressure under the same rotation speed could decrease the emission quantities of CO , HC .
Effect of Oxygen Volume Fraction in Feed Stream on p-Xylene Oxidation Reactor
The Analysis of Gas Turbine Generating Unit Inlet Air Cooling Based on The Liquefied Nature Gas ( LNG ) Chill
The influences of the intake charge tem perature 、 fuel air equivalence ratio 、 compression ratio 、 CO2 to combustion and pollution are studied .
The process , the parameters of procss control and the main equipment for production of the manifold by EPC process are introduced .
Finally , simulate the transient intake process on FIRE and reveals the shape , size and number of vortex flow , swirl flow , and other air flow in the cylinder relations with the crank angle .
The HCCI engine emissions characteristic is studied by different temperature and different fuel octane number .
Application of FNA coating technique to the maintenance of inlet and exhaust valves for ny-type internal combustion engine
The optimization of the air-in filter acoustic performance by Helmholtz resonator based on calculation and experiment has effect on the decrease of pass-by noise .
Influence of HALLO swirl system on combustion process
Realization of the economical evaluation system for GTCC inlet air cooling based on numerical integration
The characteristics of operating cyclic variations for low swirl shallow W type combustion system on SD2100 diesel engine are tested and measured .
In addition , it is found that the Mach number Z in the intake pipe is no longer a monotropic function of engine speed , and is also not a constant at engine constant speed and variable load .
The experiment results showed that , under the appropriate range , with the number of discharge reactor and the number of grads steel canister and the number of molybdenum increasing , the removal efficiency of NOx improved .
In which , the waste heat from the turbine exhaust is recovered to drive CO_2 / NG reformer , and the lower temperature heat is provided with the ammonia absorption refrigeration cycle to generate chilled media used for cooling the turbine inlet gas .
The result of experiment shows that : ( 1 ) The intake manifold temperature drops from 160 ℃ to 55 ℃ by change water jacket aftercooler into a new designed air to air aftercooler and have a great NOx reduction .
Experiments conducted with moderate compression ratios ( 10.4 and15 ) and using two modes of HCCI control , i.e.intake heating and NVO ( Negative Valve Overlap ) received the expected results .
The measurement of pressure was carried out by using semiconductor silicon piezometer . With the static pressure in inlet of pipeline and theoretic analysis we could get the total pressure of MPT .
The transonic flow around the revolution bodies at non-zero angles of attack and the external flow about the nose inlet are calculated by using the transonic small disturbance equation .