
jìn xiū bān
  • class for advanced studies;class for further studies
  1. 短期汉语进修班学生认知能力的发展

    Development of foreign students cognitive capability in the short-term in-service Chinese Teaching

  2. 1983年广西植物生态学进修班通讯

    Brief news on training class of plant ecology , guangxi , 1983

  3. 关于全国高校图书馆专业进修班的思考

    Considerations about Country-wide University Library 's Special Refresher Class

  4. 加强研究生课程进修班教学与管理工作的几点思索与实践

    How to Enforce Postgraduate Course Teaching and Its Administration

  5. 我们为当地教师办了个进修班。

    We 've run a course for local teachers .

  6. 我国研究生课程进修班现状分析与对策研究

    Analysis of the Situation and Strategy Study on the Training Course of Graduate Students in China

  7. 采取切实措施提高“研究生进修班”的培养质量

    Take effective measures , improve the Clutivation quality of " the class of graduate course for advanced studies "

  8. 介绍了全国第一届包装研究生课程进修班的教学模式;

    We will also introduce the teaching mode of the national wide first graduate student 's courses advanced studies class .

  9. 影响研究生课程进修班办班质量的相关因素有教师水平、学习要求、复习巩固、课程设置和实验课。

    And the factors affecting the quality of the class are teaching level , study requirement , review , the course , and experiment class .

  10. 周秀梅,毕业于海南大学,参加过助教进修班和工商管理硕士学位的学习,主修英语和管理。

    After graduated from Hainan University , I have attended the Advanced Curricula for Assistants and MBA . My majors include English and Business Management .

  11. 结论安徽省医学研究生课程进修班学员主要是30-40岁之间的业务骨干;

    Conclusions : Most of the trainees in the class of graduate course for advanced medical workers in Anhui Province are key workforces aged between 30 and 40 ;

  12. 样本来自于郑州某职业技术学院护理专业三年制、五年制以及进修班的学生。

    Samples come from students majoring in nursing in some a technology branch institute in zheng zhou . They will be in school for three years or five years , some others are in retraining course .

  13. 像我这样时间少又疲于奔命的上班族,可参加配有辅导教师的进修班。但这些课程是断断续续的,并会使申请过程延长几周或几个月。

    Time-poor worker bees such as myself can take a refresher course with tutors such as Manhattan Review or Kaplan , but these classes are intermittent and add weeks or even months to the application process .

  14. 方法利用信函问卷方式,对参加安徽省医学研究生课程进修班学习的学员人群分布特点、学习情况、学员对办班质量的评价及其影响因素等进行调查与分析。

    Methods : The author investigates and analyzes the students ' differences , the learning conditions , their evaluations of the quality of the class as well as the affecting factors by the questionnaire through letters .

  15. 教育部和各地教育行政部门,要采取切实有效的措施,比如充分利用广播、电视,举办各种训练班、进修班,编印教学参考资料等,大力培训师资。

    The Ministry of education and local educational departments should adopt effective measures to train teachers , making full use of radio and television , setting up training classes and advanced courses of various kinds , compiling reference material for teachers , and so forth .

  16. 另有专业学位教育研究生5386人,外国留学生255人,独立__二级学院(城市学院)学生6327,继续教育学院学生12646人,研究生进修班学生1700人。

    What is more . there are also 5 386 postgraduates for discipline degrees , 25 ' overseas students , 6 327 students of the City College , 12 646 students of Continual Education College and 1 700 students who are making advanced study for graduates .

  17. 简述了参加全国高校图工委委托大连理工大学图书馆举办的全国高等学校图书馆专业干部进修班学习的感受与体会,并对继续办好这一进修班提出了一些有益的建议。

    This paper briefly expounds the feelings and experiences of participating the " Country-wide University Library Special Refresher Class " hold by Dalian University of Technology on the commission basis of the National Library Work Committee , and puts forward some beneficial suggestions on continuously holding well this refresher class .

  18. 教师参加继续教育的目的趋向理性化、高标准化,参加继续教育的方式多样,排在前三位的是岗前培训,单科进修,助教进修班。

    The purpose of continuation education is rational and high standardized , with various methods of education . Before-job training , course improving and advanced study for assistant are the main three methods .