首页 / 词典 / good


jìn jiàn
  • Remonstrate;offer advice;remonstrate with the monarch
进谏 [jìn jiàn]
  • [admonish; advise] 对君主、尊长或朋友进言规劝

  • 忠臣进谏

  1. 他的职责是向国王进谏。

    His job was to give advice to the emperor .

  2. 说明工作不安全感通过组织承诺影响进谏行为。

    It means job insecurity affects voice behavior through organizational commitment .

  3. 组织公正、心理授权与员工进谏行为的关系研究

    The Relationship of Organizational Justice and Psychological Empowerment With Voice Behavior

  4. 大臣:亲爱的陛下,两位裁缝大师进谏。

    Minister : Dear emperor , the two tailors are coming .

  5. 组织公平知觉对进谏行为具有显著促进作用;

    Perceived organizational justice had positive impact on voice behavior .

  6. 进谏行为是指以改善环境为目的,以变化为导向,富有建设性的人际间的交流行为。

    Voice behavior is a constructive-change-oriented communicating behavior intended to improve the situation .

  7. 这是一种高雅的智慧游戏,臣子们有时利用陪弈的良机,向帝王纳言进谏。

    Courtiers often took occasion of playing chess to offer advices to emperor .

  8. 他的哥哥微子前来进谏,却反遭指责。

    His brother Wei Zi tried to persuade him to change , but got rebuked .

  9. 以往的研究表明,心理契约违背会显著影响员工进谏行为。

    Previous studies have shown that the psychological contract violations affect negatively their voice behaviors .

  10. 命令一下,群臣前去进谏的,一时川流不息,朝廷门口每天像市场一样热闹。

    The area in front of the palace gate was as busy as a market .

  11. 大五和组织公平感对进谏行为的影响研究

    A Research on the Impact of Big Five and Perceived Organizational Justice on Voice Behavior

  12. 我向他的行为提出进谏。

    I remonstrated against his behaviour .

  13. 进谏行为与组织公民行为的关系研究:诺莫网络视角

    Study of the Relationships between Voice Behavior and Organizational Citizenship Behavior : A Nomological Network Perspective

  14. 组织中的进谏行为

    Voice Behavior in Organization

  15. 员工工作绩效分为任务绩效和周边绩效,周边绩效本研究以进谏行为为代表。

    The job performance of employee includes task performance and contextual performance represented by Voice Behavior in this study .

  16. 大五与进谏行为之间存在直接关系,尽责性和外向性对进谏行为具有正的预测力;

    The big five has direct relationship with voice behavior ; conscientiousness and extraversion have positive effects on voice behavior ;

  17. 文章系统地介绍了进谏行为的概念,进谏行为对组织的作用以及影响进谏行为的因素。

    The article systematically introduced the definition of voice behavior , its functions in organization and the factors that may influence voice behavior .

  18. 另外,员工对同事仁慈的感知会直接影响员工的进谏行为;员工对管理者正直的感知会显著影响员工对同事的信任。

    The perceived benevolence of coworkers will directly affect voice behavior ; The perceived integrity of supervisor will significantly affect trust in coworker .

  19. 而已有研究以表明营造公正的组织氛围,提升员工的心理安全感都会促进员工的进谏行为。

    There studies to show that to create a fair atmosphere and to enhance the psychological safety of staff will promote employee voice behavior .

  20. 组织中的进谏行为唐初后妃进谏与政治清明的关系

    Voice Behavior in Organization The Relation between Empresses and Imperial Concubines Remonstrance and Clear and Bright Politics at the Beginning of the Tang Dynasty

  21. 大五通过工作满意感、组织承诺、工作自主性、领导公平间接影响进谏行为;

    The big five also have indirect effects on voice behavior through job satisfaction , organizational commitment , job autonomy , and leadership justice .

  22. 同时我们发现,员工的心理安全感知对自我效能感和责任感知与进谏行为之间的关系中存在着调节作用。

    We also found at the same time : psychological security has significant moderator among the relationship of self-efficacy , felt responsibility and voice behavior .

  23. 结果表明:责任感、外向性与进谏行为具有正相关,神经质、开放性与进谏行为呈负相关;

    The results showed that conscientiousness and extraversion were positively related to voice behavior , while neuroticism and openness to experience were negatively related to it ;

  24. 这时,如果个体更为关心个人得失而不是团队利益,那么无论进谏风险高低,他都不会考虑对自己毫无益处的抑制性进谏行为。

    At this time , if an individual concerns more about personal gains not team interests , he will not speak up regardless of risks level .

  25. 本文跳出了文本的樊篱,以战国时谋臣策士的进谏策略为切入点,进行了深入的分析。

    This thesis deeply analyses the advising strategy of brain trusters and schemers in Warring States Period as an entrance out of the restriction of the text .

  26. 为了塑造埃拉加巴卢斯的亲民形象,一位进谏者建议埃拉加巴卢斯和当时的富家小姐朱丽叶·宝拉成婚。

    At the behest of an adviser who wanted to endear him to the public , Elagabalus married a young woman named Julia Paula , who came from a rich Roman family .

  27. 进谏行为是一种主动性的员工角色外行为,是为改变和改善组织或团队的自发性行为,其目的在于为组织服务而非为个人服务。

    Voice behavior is a kind of initiative extra-role behavior , and it is also a spontaneous behavior whose purposes are to change or improve organization , service for organization rather than for personal .

  28. 此外,我们的研究指出,进谏行为表现越多的团队,其团队效能越高,这也是越来越多的组织重视员工进谏行为的基本动力。

    In addition , our research indicates that a team show more voice behavior , would be higher efficiency . That why the organizations pay more and more attention on the employee voice behavior .

  29. 以361名长三角地区17家国有企业白领员工为样本,本研究探索了大五个性、组织公平知觉与进谏行为之间的关系。

    Based on the samples of 361 white-collar workers of 17 state-owned enterprises located in the Yangtze River Delta , this study explored the relationship of Big Five and perceived organizational justice with voice behavior .

  30. 昧死以进谏&论刘向编撰《说苑》的心态及其成因组织公正、心理授权与员工进谏行为的关系研究

    On Presenting Admonishment to Emperors at the Risk of Death & The Mentality of Liu Xiang s Compiling Garden of Saying and the Causes ; The Relationship of Organizational Justice and Psychological Empowerment With Voice Behavior