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rén hòu
  • benevolent and generous;honest and kind-hearted
  • gracious
仁厚 [rén hòu]
  • [gracious] 为人忠诚老实

  • 仁厚的丈夫

  1. 说起种族间的包容,比利可真是宅心仁厚。

    Billy is on the side of the angels when it comes to racial tolerance .

  2. 一只超然豁达的老鼠高声颂扬大自然的仁厚,赞美它对鼠辈们所给予的特别的关爱。

    A philosophical loudly in praise of nature 's goodness for having made the mice such particular objects of her concern and protection .

  3. 选择住地,不在仁厚之处,怎能算得上聪明呢?

    Not to live among humane men-how can one be considered wise ?

  4. 汤以仁厚收揽人心,争取人民的支持。

    After this , he tried to win people 's support with benevolent policies .

  5. 没有什么话可以把他那种悲切仁厚的酸楚口吻表达出来。

    Nothing can reproduce the sombre and kindly melancholy of tone which accompanied these words .

  6. 一位宅心仁厚的网络积极分子,叛军兼商人一直从事难民出逃叙利亚的事宜。

    A loose network of activists , rebels and businessmen has been smuggling refugees out of Syria .

  7. 他把皇帝的仁厚告诉每一个人,人民因此而信任成汤。

    He told every one how kind their Emperor was , so all the people trusted Cheng Tang .

  8. 仁厚我们吃惊地看到自己做的一切:发现自己处在自己建造的房子里。

    Then with a shock we look at we are now living in the house we have built .

  9. 这个目标旨在使我们国家的面貌变得更加仁厚善良,使这个世界的面貌变得更加温文尔雅。

    It is to make kinder the face of the Nation and gentler the face of the world .

  10. 我的叔父宅心仁厚;他从不拒向其求助的人于千里之外。

    My uncle is a kind-hearted man and never says " no " to whoever seeks help from him .

  11. 仁厚他尽他最大可能地力劝其他职员利用时新的仪器,比如计算机。他建议公司升级办公设备。

    Then he did his utmost to urge the other employees to make use of up-to-date instrments like computer .

  12. 而信仰、慈悲、愿望,这三种使心灵温暖的美德又渐渐把那种仁厚升为圣德了。

    But faith , charity , hope , those three virtues which mildly warm the soul , had gradually elevated that gentleness to sanctity .

  13. 他本人仁厚宽容、不纵私欲、克己复礼,治国有方,维持了北宋朝的稳定。

    His own compassionate and tolerant , not vertical desires , Oneself , running the country well and to maintain the stability of the North Song Dynasty .

  14. 本研究中仁厚、欢乐是最重要的两个维度,对场所依恋和游客忠诚有着很强烈的影响力。

    In this study , " generosity " and " fun " are the most important dimensions . both of them have a very strong influence to place attachment and visitor loyalty .

  15. 不管是在生活中还是在为官上,他都一直奉行宅心仁厚的原则,不卑不亢,心系民众,正直无私,成为后人做官的典范。

    Whether in life or in the official , he has been pursuing a kind-hearted principle , be neither humble nor pushy people , heart , upright , become future generations as example .

  16. 原来她的母亲虽没受过教育,却有一种含有诗意的心情,具备着幻想,感情和天生的仁厚;

    She was a product of the fancy , the feeling , the innate affection of the untutored but poetic mind of her mother combined with the gravity and poise which were characteristic of her father .