
rén chuān
  • Inchon
  1. 自2006年加入该公司以来,这位姓Lee的船长驾驶仁川和济州岛之间的渡船已经有八年时间。

    Identified only by his family name , Lee , the captain has been on the Incheon-Jeju ferry service for eight years since joining the company in 2006 .

  2. 仁川市官员KimYun-hee为乐团当过一个星期的向导,她表示她们在台上台下都给人留下了很好的印象。

    Kim Yun-hee , an Incheon city official who spent a week as a guide for the girls ' choir , said they had given a favorable impression on stage and off .

  3. 在首尔西面的仁川,高中教师LeeKyoung-shin说,一些学生把手机藏起来,在课间甚至课堂上用。

    ' Some of them hide their phones and use them during the break or even in class , ' said Lee Kyoung-shin , a high-school teacher in Incheon , west of Seoul .

  4. 上周六,中国电子竞技俱乐部IG战队在韩国仁川以3:0击败了欧洲老牌劲旅FNC战队,赢得了LPL第一个S系列赛冠军。

    Chinese eSports club Invictus Gaming ( iG ) claimed Chinese mainland 's first world championship in League of Legends ( LOL ) after beating European team Fnatic 3-0 in Inchon , South Korea last Saturday .

  5. 总体而言,在skytrax调查中,排名前5位的机场中有4个亚洲机场,另有首尔仁川机场和吉隆坡机场,从而奠定了亚洲机场的胜利。

    Overall , Asian airports took four of the top five positions in the Skytrax survey , with Seoul Incheon and Kuala Lumpur completing the Asian triumph .

  6. 坐船一般是从仁川港入韩国境内的。

    Enter Korea churchyard from Ren Chuan harbor by boat commonly .

  7. 第17届亚运会将在韩国仁川举行。

    The17th Asian Games is expected to be held in Incheon Korea .

  8. 结果,客机晚点了11分钟才到达仁川市。

    The flight arrived in Incheon 11 minutes behind schedule .

  9. 仁川亚运会对宁泽涛而言只是一个开始。

    The Asian Games are just the beginning for Ning .

  10. 透过我房间窗户就能看到仁川机场。

    I can see the airport at Incheon out of my window .

  11. 离开仁川机场,前往首尔市区。

    Leave incheon airport , go to Seoul downtown .

  12. 北京-天津与首尔-仁川产业结构与效率比较及其启示

    Comparison and enlightenment of industry 's structure and efficiency of Seoul-Inchon and Beijing-Tianjin

  13. 预计仁川学院将培训2万名员工。

    The academy is expected to train 20000 staff .

  14. 别试著从仁川机场的窗户往外看出去。

    Don 't try to look out of the window over the ICN airport .

  15. 大韩航空公司每年都会在仁川国际机场给职工开男性化妆课。

    Korean Air holds annual male makeup classes for its staff at Incheon International Airport .

  16. 第七,要把仁川国际机场(空港)一带培植为陆上免关税自由港区。

    Seventhly , to convert the Incheon International Airport into a duty - free port .

  17. 朝鲜战争(1950)中的战役;美军登陆仁川。

    A battle in the Korean War ( 1950 ); US forces landed at Inchon .

  18. 仁川距离韩朝边境40公里。

    Inchon is 40 kilometers away from the border between South Korea and North Korea .

  19. 仁川网页显示出每一航班的进出情况,让乘客知道候机时间的长短。

    Incheon 's website suggests activities depending on how long passengers must wait for a flight .

  20. 把仁川与成田这两家机场进行对比后可发现一些不同之处。

    To both Incheon and Narita Airport can be found after comparing a number of differences .

  21. 绿色空港&仁川国际机场简介

    Brief Introduction of Incheon International Airport

  22. 目前没有计划安装比朋地山或仁川发电厂更大的机组设备。

    Currently there are no plans for units larger than either the Puente Hills or Incheon facilities .

  23. 马来西亚可能在2014年仁川亚运会上面临无金荒,对这一状况的担忧越发强烈。

    There is rising fear that Malaysia may suffer a gold medal drought in the2014 Incheon Asian Games .

  24. 大约十分钟后,我们将到达仁川国际机场。当地时间是晚间8:10。

    We ~ ll arrive at Inchon International Airport in ten minutes . The local time is 8:10 p.m.

  25. 中国天津与韩国仁川在城市地理位置、地位、功能、作用等方面具有很多相似性。

    China 's Tianjin has many similarity with Korean 's Inchon in their geography place , position and function .

  26. 预计仁川的度假村建设工程将分成两期,分别于2019年和2022年完工。

    Construction in Incheon is expected to proceed in two phases , set to be completed in 2019 and 2022 .

  27. 这艘航行在从仁川到济州425公里航线上的渡轮是韩国最普通的渡轮。

    The 425-kilometer route of the ferry from Incheon to Jeju is one of the most common in South Korea .

  28. 第三部分以仁川地区为中心分析论述华商的经营实态。

    The third part is a discussion of the real operating situation of overseas Chinese merchants from the Incheon area .

  29. 整晚有渡船抵达,并把大部分居民转移到港口城市仁川,他们在那里见到了亲戚和朋友。

    Ferry boats arrived throughout the night and took most residents to the port city of Incheon , where many were met by friends and relatives .

  30. 据韩联社说,2005年和其他歌手一起访问仁川的女子时年17岁,乐团名叫“青年学生合作团”。

    The woman with the singers who visited Incheon in 2005 , called the North Young Student Cooperation Group , was 17 , according to Yonhap .