
rén yì lǐ zhì
  • the four cardinal virtues: humanity, justice, propriety and wisdom
仁义礼智[rén yì lǐ zhì]
  1. 因此,孟子所反之经的具体内容,便是从孔子那里继承而来的仁义礼智,道德伦理。

    Thus , the content of Mencius '" Save - Confucianism " is inherited from the wisdom of Confucius ' moral and ethical .

  2. 其性论的第一个层次内容不但看重人类社会本身,而且强调人性的正向之理:仁义礼智。

    It 's first level contents not only paying attention to human society , but also stressing on the right reason of human nature .

  3. 天理浑然是总称,仁义礼智是分名,天理与仁义礼智之间是整体和局部的关系。

    Justice is a general term , of which wisdom and kindness are the parts , the relationship between them is global and local .

  4. 其目的在于重新树立起儒家纲常名教,仁义礼智的思想。

    Aimed at re-establishing the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues as specified in the feudal ethical code of Confucianism to teach , righteousness , courtesy , wisdom , thought .

  5. 在此境界中,世俗的功名利禄的追求、仁义礼智的观念等已被清除出心,心恢复了本来的自然、淳朴、清静。

    Furthermore , an ideal " mind " is bereft of worldly pursuit of position and wealth , and the five tenets of Confucianism , resuming its naturalness , simplicity , and quietness .

  6. “仁政”思想的哲学基础是“性善”论:孟子认为人的本性是“善”的,良心本心人所固有,不学而能,不虑而知,表现出来即为仁义礼智之性。

    The theory of benevolent governance is based on Mencius ' belief that human beings are good by nature . He held that this goodness is innate and can be acquired without learning or thinking ; one 's natural goodness is presented by the exercise of benevolence , righteousness , proprieties and prudence .