
jīnɡ shě
  • monastery;a study;villa;nunnery
精舍 [jīng shè]
  • (1) [teaching room; study]∶讲学的处所;收斋

  • (2) [living or preaching place of monks and priests]∶僧道居住或说法布道的处所

  • (3) [heart]∶指心,古人认为心是精神所居之处

  1. 有机会来参访我们的精舍吧!

    Visit us at the monastery if you get a chance !

  2. 我来圣城几个月以后,我有一天帮忙TomJohnson在龙树(精舍)那边帮忙,把一些砖头砌起来。

    A few months after coming to CTTB , I was helping TJ lay some brick near the Dragon Tree houses .

  3. 始宁庄园精舍建筑群体现了他的山居净土美学。

    Abode buildings in Shining Manor reflected his aesthetics of Sukhavati .

  4. 三年后,他回到建康,并定居摄山,修筑栖霞精舍。

    He left Nanjing in 477 and came back three years later .

  5. 很感恩精舍陪我度过难关,重新唤回昔时的智慧,并且在短短的三个月中让我改变这麽多。

    I am deeply grateful for helping me cope with my troubles , reviving my old wisdom and changing me so much in just three months .

  6. 创作这幅图卷时,张大千居在他的名宅兼工作室“摩耶精舍”,该住所位于台北郊区的外双溪。

    Zhang created the painting at his well-known residence and studio , the Abode of Maya , located in the Wai-shuang-hsi area on the outskirts of Taipei .

  7. 谢灵运在精舍选址时,寻找与灵鹫山相似的清幽、美妙的山水环境,以创造自然山水中的佛国净土。

    Xie Lingyun located abode site in order to create the natural landscape of the Buddhist " Pure Land ", with looking similar to the Vulture Peak to creat a quiet , wonderful religious atmosphere .

  8. 从真正意义上讲,禅宗的产地是中国,只有当禅进入中国士阶层的精舍书斋之后,它才成为具有哲学意义的并具备无形体系的禅宗。

    From the real sense , the origin of Zen in China , only if Zen scholar class in China , after his study of the Vihara , it became a philosophical meaning and have an invisible system of Zen .