
  • 网络Sperm bank
  1. 我可以收养或者到精子银行,或者

    I can adopt or go to the sperm bank or

  2. 全球最大精子银行生意火爆。

    World 's biggest sperm bank wants more .

  3. 每个走进精子银行填写资料的申请者将会获得50元交通补贴。

    Every walk-in applicant will have 50 yuan of transportation allowance .

  4. 在1980年到1999年间,精子银行引发了许多的争议。

    During its19 years , the repository sparked a great deal of controversy .

  5. 从精子银行购买了精子后,该男子的老婆帮助他进行了人工受精。

    Beatie 's wife Nancy said she inseminated him with a syringe using sperm purchased from a bank .

  6. 背景:为防止青少年男性癌症治疗后不育,建立精子银行是一个合适的方法。

    BACKGROUND : Sperm banking is a suitable procedure to prevent infertility after cancer therapy in male adolescents .

  7. 比提与妻子从一个冷冻精子银行买回精子,并在家接受了“人工受精”。

    He and his wife bought donor vials from a cryogenic sperm bank and he was inseminated at home .

  8. 亲爱的,我们到精子银行找找合适的精子捐赠者吧!

    Miranda : Honey , let 's go to the sperm bank to search for a suitable sperm donor .

  9. 精子银行的一名医生表示,有意愿捐精的潜在候选人需要在捐献前做体检。

    Potential candidates need to make an appointment for health examination before donation , said a doctor at the sperm bank .

  10. 经过三年的准备和建设,以及一年的试运行之后,这家精子银行终于得到了重庆市卫生和计划生育委员会的批准。

    After three years of preparation and construction and one year of trial operation , the sperm bank finally got approval from Chongqing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission .

  11. 1998年,还在上大学的陶德·怀特赫斯特开始向精子银行捐精,4年间,陶德向同一家诊所捐精约400次。

    Todd Whitehurst began donating to a sperm bank in 1998 while he was at university . For four years , Todd donated to the same clinic about 400 times .

  12. 据这家精子银行介绍,只有已婚或达到包括年龄在22到45岁之间,身高至少1.65米,身体健康,功能健全,具有大专及以上学历这些要求的单身男子才可以进行捐精。

    According to the introduction of the bank , only married or single men who meet requirements such as being 22 to 45 years of age , a height of at least 1.65 meters , being in good health , with well-formed features and having education at junior college level or above can donate sperm .

  13. 在这种情形下,那位妇人要求医生从她丈夫体内取出精子并将精子存在精子银行。

    In this case , the woman asked doctors to remove the sperm from her husband 's body and store it in a sperm bank .