- 名Symbiotic algae;phycobiont

This causes bleaching . Under stress , the corals expel symbiotic which lives in their tissues and gives them their colour and energy .
The activity of acid phosphatase in lichen was mainly dependent on the photobiont .
This gives fluorescent corals an edge in protecting the symbiotic algae they host .
Symbiotic algae from three kinds of anemone were cultivated in medium in this study .
Corals can adapt to environmental changes by two mechanisms : physiological acclimatization and exchange of symbiotic algae .
Shallow-water corals owe their beautiful colors in part to symbiotic algae , which live inside the coral cells .
Culturing symbiotic algae in some medium successfully is cornerstone and has great difficulty to the study of symbiotic algae .
The results showed that symbiotic algae were found predominantly in the endoderm of the tentacles and were located within vacuoles in host cells .
In general , both the density of the symbiotic algae and the Chl . a content of the coral tissues are sensitive to temperature .
To explore the mechanism of symbiosis , some algal-invertebrate associations were studied from several aspects , including cell level , individual level and molecular level .
These symbiotic algae absorb carbon dioxide , phosphate and nitrate produced by invertebrates and transform them into nutrition necessary to symbiont ( symbiotic algae and invertebrate ) .
The results showed that it was very difficult to culture symbiotic algae in artificial medium . Some small holes occurred on the surface of symbiotic algae after being cultivated for 10 h. Holes were enlarged and some cell contents were discarded with extending cultivating time .
Distribution of symbiotic algae in the tissue of three kinds of anemone was studied by microscope and scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) . Localization of these symbiotic algae in the cell of the hosts was also confirmed using transmission electron microscope ( TEM ) .
Some changes in the ultrastructure of symbiotic algae occurred . Symbiotic algae from anemone starved for 3 days contained some dividing cells and had more mitochondria than that from starved anemones for 45 days and 280 days . The latter algae contained some lipid grains .
Now there is cyanobacteria in Parmeliaceae which is not reported recently , furthermore , the relationship between algae-fungus symbiosis and growth matrix also has no reports .