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  1. 三星电子上月展开的最新调查是对非政府组织ChildLaborWatch一份报告的回应。报告称,该组织在6月和7月共对海格国利进行了三次调查,结果发现该工厂存在雇佣童工现象。

    The latest audits were conducted last month in response to a report by a non-governmental organization Child Labor Watch that three investigations it conducted during June and July found child labor in use at the factory in southern China .

  2. 截至目前,美国一直是越南最大的疫苗捐赠国,共向该国提供了500万剂莫德纳疫苗。

    So far , the U.S. has been the country 's largest donor of vaccines , sending 5 million doses of Moderna 's shot .

  3. 共有46国同意推动成立新组织,约定这个春天在摩洛哥举行首次会议。

    A total of46 countries agreed to pursue plans for the new organization , and to hold their first meeting in Morocco this spring .

  4. 从魏朝诞生至其灭亡,司马家族共辅佐了魏国五位皇帝中的三位。

    Throughout the Wei period the Sima family assisted three out of five kings of the Wei Kingdom .

  5. 商代前期:部落联盟共主向方国联盟共主的过渡

    The Early Period of Shang Dynasty : Transition from Collective Master of the Union Tribes to the Regional States

  6. 国内外服装标准的共异性与我国女子服装规格标准优化的研究

    The Similarities and Differences between Domestic and International Garment Standards and the Study on Optimization of Domestic Female Garment Sizes Standard

  7. 这次新公布的榜单共调研了我国各领域杰出人才合计近8000人。其中,政界杰出人才1400多人,学界杰出人才3600多人,此外还有商界杰出人才2600多人。

    A total of 8000 distinguished people participated in the survey , including over 1400 politicians , over 3600 scholars and over 2600 business leaders .