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  • 网络Wonju
  1. 制作人,你也不用回原州了。

    Producer kang , you 're not returning to wonjoo .

  2. 半干旱退化山区生态农业建设与示范研究&宁夏固原市原州区河川示范区

    The Construction and Demonstration of Ecological Agriculture in Semiarid Degradation Mountainous Areas

  3. 我会去跟原州谈一谈。

    I 'll talk with wonjoo for that .

  4. 固原市原州区森林资源动态变化分析

    Study on Analysis of Forest Resources Dynamic Change in District of Gu Yan City

  5. 在原州也是这样的吗?

    Is this how you work at wonjoo ?

  6. 韩国,原州――长满栗子树与橡树的小山之间坐落着一片农场,一只上了年纪的银狐犬在这里过着惬意的生活。

    WONJU , South Korea - On a farm nestled between hills of chestnut and acorn trees , the aging Spitz has had an easy life .