
  1. 烽火戏诸侯:“共和执政”维持了14年之久,暴虐的周厉王终于在逃亡地彘死去。

    Teasing the Dukes with Beacon : The period of Gong-He lasted for 14 years when the despot King Li died in Zhi , where he lived after the flight .

  2. 经大臣们商议,由召公和周公暂时代替厉王执掌朝政,史上称之为“共和执政”。

    After the discussion of ministers , a decision was made that the Duke of Zhao and the Duke of the Zhou took charge of the government temporarily . This period was called the gonghe , known as " Gong-He . "

  3. 拿破仑.波拿巴是一名军事家,法兰西共和国第一执政和法兰西第一帝国皇帝,他的所做的事改变了19世纪欧洲的政治格局。

    Napoleon Bonaparte , was a military and political leader of France and Emperor of the French as Napoleon I , whose actions shaped European politics in the early19th century .

  4. 试论罗马共和国早期的执政官

    The Consulship in the Early Roman Republic