
  • 网络Jiang Rong;Chopped ginger
姜戎 [jiāng róng]
  • [a national minority lived in south of Jin State in the Spring and Autumn Period] 春秋时居住在晋国南部的少数民族。晋国的附庸

  • 遽兴姜戎。--《左传.僖公三十二年》

  1. 影片根据中国作家姜戎的同名小说改编,可谓一部3D史诗巨制。故事讲述了20世纪60年代,北京知青陈阵(冯绍峰饰)和杨克(窦骁饰)在内蒙古草原插队时与牧民群落相依相存的故事。

    Based on Jiang Rong 's novel of the same name , the 3-D adventure epic is about Chen Zhen ( Feng Shaofeng ) and Yang Ke ( Shawn Dou ) being sent from Beijing to Inner Mongolia in the 1960s to live with a nomadic tribe .

  2. 比如说,姜戎不许电影中的汉族人物戴法式贝雷帽。

    A French beret worn by one of the Han Chinese characters in the film , for example , was nixed by Mr. Jiang .

  3. 姜戎的《狼图腾》出版一年来,成为全国最热销的长篇小说和评论界争议的热门话题,臧否褒贬,众说纷纭。

    It is one year since its publication , Jiang Rong 's works The Totem of the Wolf has become the most popular novel and the controvertial focus of the critics .

  4. 书是书,电影是电影,姜戎说,2007年,他曾因此书的英译本获得英仕曼亚洲文学奖。

    The book is the book and the film is the film , said Mr. Jiang , who won the inaugural Man Asian Literary Prize in 2007 for the English translation of the book .

  5. 而姜戎不仅写到他对狼群的热爱和敬畏还写到了草原狼在维护草原生态平衡方面的巨大作用。

    While Jiang Rong writes about not only his strong love and reverence for the grassland wolves , but also grassland wolves ' great effects on keeping the balance of the ecosystem on the grassland .

  6. 之后,周宣王对周边的一些部落和国家宣战并获得了胜利,但在与姜戎、条戎和奔戎的作战中失败。

    Later King Xuan carried out wars against some neighbouring tribes and states and won some victories , but was defeated in wars against the Jiang Rong tribe and against the Tiao Rong and the Ben Rong tribes .

  7. 另一部呼声很高的影片是《狼图腾》,该片的制作人们意在吸引国际观众。它是根据姜戎(原名吕嘉民)的当代同名畅销小说改编的。

    Another prestigious film whose producers are aiming to capture a wide international audience is " Wolf Totem , " based on a popular contemporary novel by L ü Jiamin , who writes under the name of Jiang Rong .

  8. 北京——十年前,国营的北京紫禁城影业公司的制片人们决定将姜戎的小说《狼图腾》搬上银幕,寻找导演时,他们并没考虑在中国电影圈之外找人。

    BEIJING - Ten years ago , when producers at the state-run Beijing Forbidden City Film Corporation began searching for a director for the movie adaptation of the Chinese novel " Wolf Totem " by Jiang Rong , they had no plans to look beyond China 's homegrown stable .