
  1. 采用链条式轮送,串烧可直接放置在链条上输送烘烤。

    You can put the baking stuff on the chain conveyer .

  2. 来做虾串烧和虾烧烤什么的

    for shrimp cocktails and barbecues and all

  3. 据悉,这位现年27岁的乐坛老将会以一首自己长达7分钟的经典串烧曲目拉开本次颁奖礼的大幕。

    The27-year-old will open the AMAs on Sunday with a seven-minute medley of her greatest hits .

  4. 理论上,美国应该有一大串烧煤的火电厂排队等待建设。

    In theory , there is a long queue of coal-fired power stations waiting to be built in America .

  5. 我喜欢吃串烧的肉-特别是用刷子刷上他们特制的调料后。

    I like meat on a stick-especially if you use that brush and put all of their seasonings on it .

  6. 点燃实验中,阻燃处理的玻璃纤维很容易炭化,不容易串烧;

    In the ignition experiment , the glass fiber dealed with fire-retardant adhesive was easy to become charcoal and was not easy to combust quickly ;

  7. 配上维生素含量丰富的彩椒和洋葱,这串烧的营养和美味就都齐全了。

    Go together with up the vitamin content enrich of colourful pepper and onions , this string of nourishment and delicacy for burning all well-found .

  8. 张宇增在他的电瓶车上挂了一块牌子——“电工、木工、水暖工”——耳机里播放着舞曲大串烧。

    Mr. Zhang hung a sign on his scooter - " Electrician , carpenter , plumber " - and pumped a techno mix through his headphones .

  9. 为了满足粉丝的超高期待,这位艺术家使出了浑身解数,串烧了多首她的最流行热门歌曲,包括“咆哮”中文歌名用书名号,“少年梦”和“焰火”。

    The artist gave her all to meet fans " high expectations , belting through a selection of her most popular hits including " Roar , " style Teenage Dream and Firework .

  10. 凭借惊艳的表演和歌曲串烧,艾丽西亚·凯斯甚至同时演奏两台钢琴,今年的格莱美已经赢得了观众的一致好评。

    With show-stopping performances , incredible medleys , and even Alicia Keys playing two pianos at the same time , this year 's Grammys is already winning plenty of praise from the audience .