
  1. 如果你们想要找牛猪肉片交叠串烤肉(CityChicken),你在“C”词条下是找不到的

    If you 're looking for City Chicken , you 're not gonna find it under " C. "

  2. 巴西烤肉是将牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉和香肠切成厚片,串在烤肉叉子上烤。

    Churrasco involves spearing slabs of beef , pork , chicken and sausage with skewers .

  3. 在大型烤肉店(churrascarias),服务生挨桌走过,举着串着烤肉的“滋滋”作响的叉子和切肉刀,挥舞刀叉的架势仿若古代中国的剑术比试。

    At the big steakhouses , called churrascarias , servers go table to table , wielding skewers sizzling with meat and carving knives like something out of ancient Chinese swordplay .

  4. 她作呕地转开视线,他却把扔过来一串烤肉,正好砸中她的大腿,然后落在大街上,那串半熟的烤肉在她腿上留下一片油和血混合的污渍。

    It struck her on the leg and tumbled to the street , and the half-cooked meat left a smear of grease and blood down her thigh .

  5. 此酒可单独饮用,也可搭配各式肉类菜肴,诸如辛辣风味羊肉、羊肉串、传统风味烤肉、牛尾以及烧烤牛排。

    Enjoy on its own or serve with meat dishes such as spicy lamb , souvlaki or kebabs or traditional roasts , oxtail and barbecued steaks .