
  • 网络Bid-rigging;Collusive Tendering;collusive bidding
  1. 基于合谋理论的工程串通投标成因探析

    Analysis of the Cause of Project Bid-rigging Based on Conspiracy Theory

  2. 串通投标罪是招投标领域发生的一种犯罪行为,是当前市场经济快速发展的产物。

    The crime of bid-rigging is a criminal act that took place in the field of bidding took place and is a product of the rapid economic development .

  3. 以法定情节为视角解析串通投标罪

    An Analysis of the Crime of Collusion in Entering Bids

  4. 日本防治公共工程串通投标行为的经验及其启示

    Control of Collusive Bidding in Japanese Public Projects : Experiences and Implications

  5. 串通投标罪客观要件探析

    Analysis of the Objective Condition of the Crime of Collusion in Entering Bids

  6. 什么是串通投标罪?特征有哪些?

    What is colluding bid crime ? Which features ?

  7. 合同诈骗罪与串通投标罪的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Contract Fraud and Contacting Bid

  8. 最常见问题:串通投标和合同欺诈

    Most Common Problems : Collusion , Contract Fraud

  9. 论串通投标罪

    The statement of the cahoots bids crime

  10. 装备采购招投标活动中的串通投标行为

    Contacting Bid in the Equipment Procurement

  11. 第五部分是有效规制政府采购中串通投标行为的建议,提出完善的建议。

    The fifth part is effectively regulating government procurement bid rigging recommendations to make sound recommendations .

  12. 而且,我国学界目前鲜有深入探讨和研究如何有效规制政府采购供应商之间的串通投标行为的著述。

    Moreover , currently there is little literature that discusses how to effectively regulate bid-rigging among suppliers in government procurement .

  13. 正如该报告所指出的,公路行业长期存在的串通投标问题表明该行业受到了联手企业的影响。

    As the report notes , chronic bid rigging on roads tenders is a sign the sector has been influenced by cartels .

  14. 公路行业中最为常见的不当行为包括投标公司就某一项目所进行的串通投标以及执行由此所获得合同过程中的欺诈和腐败。

    The most common forms of wrongdoing in the roads sector are collusion among firms bidding on a project and fraud and corruption in the execution of the resulting contract .

  15. 指出串通投标的生成因素包括串通投标收入、串通投标成本(包括组织成本和风险成本)等。

    It pointed out that the decisive factors of bid-rigging formation were the income and the cost of bid-rigging ( including the organization cost and risk cost ) and so on .

  16. 为获得政府采购合同,一些不法供应商在投标过程中达成合谋,最典型的例子是在通过公开招标方式进行政府采购时供应商之间的串通投标行为。

    To obtain government procurement contracts , some suppliers colluded with others in the tendering process , the most typical example is bid-rigging among suppliers made in the government procurement through tendering .

  17. 报告提出的另一项主要建议是,国家应制定法律惩罚串通投标、市场分割以及其它形式的串通行为,同时应重视法律执行工作并具备法律执行能力。

    Another key recommendation is that a country should have laws penalizing bid rigging , market division , and other forms of collusive behavior , along with a commitment and capacity to enforce such laws .

  18. 投标人不得与招标人串通投标,损害国家利益、社会公共利益或者他人的合法权益。

    A bidder may not collude with the tenderer in submitting his bid to prejudice the State 's interests , the social and public interests or the legitimate rights and interests of any other person .

  19. 投标人不得相互串通投标报价,不得排挤其他投标人的公平竞争,损害招标人或者其他投标人的合法权益。

    A bidder may not collude with other bidders in submitting their bid price quotations or discriminate fair competition by other bidders to prejudice the legitimate rights and interests of the tenderer or other bidders .

  20. 第二部分是对政府采购中串通投标行为一般理论问题的概述,该部分对政府采购中串通投标行为界定、基本类型、原因及危害进行了阐述。

    The second part is an overview of the general theory of government procurement bid rigging , defined in the part of the government procurement bid rigging , basic types , causes and hazards are described .

  21. 串通投标是当前工程招投标中存在的最为普遍的违法行为,治理工程串通投标是招投标工作中既重要又迫切的任务之一。

    At present bid-rigging is the general illegal activities in the process of the project bidding and tendering , and treating the bid-rigging phenomenon becomes one of the important and urgent targets in the project tender and bidding .

  22. 不同于普通招投标活动中的串通投标行为,在政府采购活动中的串通投标行为,不只侵害采购人和守法的供应商的利益,同时也欺骗了政府预算,最终损害的是广大纳税人的利益。

    Unlike ordinary bidding activity of bid rigging , bid rigging in government procurement activities against not only the purchase and law-abiding interests of suppliers , government budget countries have been deceived , and ultimately harm the interests of taxpayers .

  23. 投标人与招标人串通投标,损害国家、集体、公民的合法利益的,依照前款的规定处罚。

    If a bidder and bid-inviter act in collusion with each other in bidding and thus jeopardize the lawful interests of the State , the collective or citizens , they shall be punished according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph .

  24. 根据香港政府的提案,香港将制订一部跨行业的竞争法,将涵盖典型反竞争行为,例如价格操纵、串通投标、产量限制和市场配置。这一提案将让香港与国际惯例保持一致。

    Under government proposals which would bring it into line with global practices , a cross - sector competition law would be established to cover hardcore anti-competitive conduct such as price fixing , bid rigging , output restriction and market allocation .

  25. 剖析了建筑市场交易中串通投标行为的机理,建立了串通投标人中标概率与利润最大化模型,并提出了识别方法和防范措施。

    Its identifying method and preventive countermeasures are also proposed . ( 5 ) The mechanism of why the bidder will choose the colluding bidding in bargaining of construction market are analyzed and the mode of selecting bidding odds and maximizing model of colluding bidders is established .

  26. 第四章对我国串通招投标行为法律规制的现状以及缺陷作出论述。

    Chapter IV discusses defects of legal regulations of collusive bidding behavior .

  27. 对串通招标投标行为的法理分析

    Analysis on Colluded Tender Behavior with Principle of Law

  28. 日本近年来大力整顿串通招投标行为,已经取得显著成果。

    Japan in recent years rectifying collusive bidding , has achieved remarkable results .

  29. 论串通招标投标行为及其法律规制

    The Analysis on the Behavior of Collaborating with Bidding and the Legal Regulations

  30. 串通招投标法律问题研究钻机的整体搬迁

    Research on the Legal Issues of Bid - rigging Rig moving without rigging down