
ɡài rán xìnɡ
  • probability
盖然性 [gài rán xìng]
  • [probability] 有可能但又不是必然的性质

  1. 第二级标准&最大程度的盖然性;

    The second level , the highest degree of probability ;

  2. 最低标准&相当高的盖然性。

    Standard and the last one , the high degree of probability .

  3. 有的女人也留短发.-盖然性原则

    Some women have short hair too . - Balance of probability .

  4. 高度盖然性证明标准之层次性研究

    Research on the Levels of Poof Standard with High Probability

  5. 混淆的认定采取的是一种可能性标准,这种标准的尺度是一种盖然性。

    One probability criterion is adopted to identify the confusion , which is probability .

  6. 基础事实和推定事实之间具有高度的盖然性(或然性)的关系。

    The relationship between the basic facts and the presumed facts is highly possibility .

  7. 主要研究经验法则在民事诉讼中适用时本身所具有的局限性,其局限性表现为盖然性、主观性及适用的条件性等方面。

    Its limitations include probability , subjectivity , and applicable conditional and so on .

  8. 对盖然性证明标准的反思

    Rethinking of the Prevailing Proof Standards

  9. 这一规定第一次明确的将较高程度的盖然性作为我国民事诉讼的证明标准。

    Firstly , this article mentions the important meaning of standard of proof in judicial proof .

  10. 而实现法律真实这一证明要求的手段,即为高度盖然性的证明标准。

    And realize law true means that identification require this , high identification standard of probability .

  11. 较为有代表性的有法律要件分类说、盖然性说、危险领域说。

    More representative of the legal elements of classification that the probability that the risk of the area said .

  12. 引入高度盖然性原理与法官心证原则,采用直接、言词证人证言方式。

    We should introduce altitude general view principle and make judge sure principle , and accept direct testimony of witnesses .

  13. 推定主要是在基础事实得到证明的情况下,根据盖然性原理推导出未知事实,当然还有一种推定是基于国家政策、社会价值的选择而进行的。

    Presumption is based on the facts and some one is based on the policy and the benefits of the society .

  14. 在判断当事人是否已完成证明责任时,应采取高度盖然性的证明标准。

    When judging if the party accomplishes the burden of proof , it must follow up the high degree of probability .

  15. 但是,经验法则本身所具有一定局限性,包括盖然性、主观性及适用的条件性等,对经验法则的适用必须进行合理的规制。

    However , the experience rule has its own limitations including probability , subjectivity , and applicable conditional and so on .

  16. 在理解上,笔者通过对一起案例,三种证明标准的适用比较,来论述高度盖然性应掌握的尺度。

    In understanding , I compared three standards through a case , in order to discuss the degree to the probability .

  17. 因此,我国证据法应以法官是否形成内心确信来替代盖然性证明标准。

    Consequently , Chinese evidence law should be based on the inner conviction of the judges instead of the prevailing proof standards .

  18. 但其诞生之初就存在着事实认定的标准究竟应依主观的确信,还是应依客观的盖然性的激烈论争。

    But since its birth , there have been vehement controversies about the standard of balance : subjective belief or objective probability .

  19. 而法律真实证明标准又可分为优势证据证明标准和高度盖然性证明标准。

    Standard of providing legal truth can be classified into witness standard of preponderance of probability and the high degree of probability .

  20. 事实推定的三段论逻辑结构决定了它的基础事实必须达到甚至高于高度盖然性的证明标准,只有这样才能保证推定事实能够具有较高程度的盖然性。

    The structure of syllogism decides that the proving standard of basic fact must reach or exceed the " high probability " .

  21. 本罪主体为一般主体,在主观方面表现为故意,而对国有档案的明知只要求有盖然性认识即可。

    The subject of the crime is general subject with deliberate intent , while awareness of state-owned archives only requires general acknowledgement .

  22. 例如,盖然性学说运用优势证据或事实推定理论,可以使受害者更容易的解决因果关系问题。

    For example , using the theory of High degree of probability , the victims can solve the causal problem more easily .

  23. 受害人证明基础事实的方法有很多,但标准只有一个,即须达到高度盖然性。

    There are many ways for victims to prove the basic facts with only one standard , namely : it must reach highly probability .

  24. 目前重要的是确立诉讼证明盖然性观念和贯彻证据审查判断的直接言辞原则以及完善配套的监督、制约机制。

    Now it is important to build the idea of probability in proving as well as to implement the principle of direct inspect proof .

  25. 然后,在因果关系方面,笔者提出应该采用盖然性因果关系理论来认定治疗性临床试验侵权的因果关系。

    Then , the author proposes to take a probability theory of causation to identify the cause and effect of therapeutic clinical trials infringement .

  26. 经验法则具有主客观性、抽象性、规则性、盖然性的特征,兼有事实问题与法律问题的双重属性。

    Thumb with subjective and objective and abstract nature , rules , probability characteristics of , the dual attributes of both factual and legal issues .

  27. 就经验法则的实质性内涵而言,它毕竟属于一种生活经验,只具有盖然性。

    The substantive law is concerned , its connotation , after all belong to a life experience , with only a certain degree of probability .

  28. 民事证明标准的改革方向应为法律真实下的高度盖然性,但在实际操作中仍要遵循相关的适用规则。

    The author also makes an analysis on the standards of objective authenticity , legal authenticity and substantial authenticity under value orientations in litigant practice .

  29. 在我国民事诉讼中,引入高度盖然性的证明标准既有其合理的根据,又有其重要的意义。

    In our country 's civil action , the identification standard of introducing the high probability has already had its rational foundations , there are its important meanings .

  30. 而要通过以法律真实的证明要求去实现客观真实,则要求证据采信制度有相应的制度保障,即高度盖然性的证明标准和现代自由心证原则。

    To realize " objective fact " passing " law fact ", corresponded system is necessary , that is-the high possibility proof standard and modern free intention principle .