
  • 网络truman;Harry Truman;Harry S. Truman
  1. 众议院的一个委员会试图将传票送交杜鲁门。

    A house committee tried to serve a subpoena on Harry truman .

  2. 他或许是另一个杜鲁门。

    Your uncle may be another Harry truman .

  3. 1945至1946年的那段时间是杜鲁门总统执政最艰难的时期。

    1945 to 1946 was the nadir of Truman 's presidency .

  4. 杜鲁门允许他又硬撑了近两年。

    Truman allowed him to stagger on for nearly another two years .

  5. 军事政策的混乱可追溯到杜鲁门的第一届任期。

    The disorder in military policy had its origins in Truman 's first term

  6. 二战后,美国对欧洲作出的第一个承诺便是在1947年提出杜鲁门主义。

    Following World War II , the first U.S. commitment to Europe came in the form of the 1947 Truman Doctrine .

  7. 蒙代尔先生在讲话中引用了杜鲁门的话。

    Mr. Mondale quoted from Truman in his speech .

  8. (埃德温•M•杜鲁门在1998年12月至2001年1月期间担任美国财政部(USTreasury)负责国际事务的助理部长)

    ( Edwin M. Truman was assistant secretary of the US Treasury for international affairs from December 1998 to January 2001 . )

  9. 杜鲁门称:迫于IMF的压力,各方在7月21日便做出了决定。

    The fund forced the decisions taken on July 21 , Mr Truman says .

  10. 在现代的总统读者里,哈里•杜鲁门(HarryTruman)名列前茅。

    Among modern presidential readers , Harry Truman ranks near the top .

  11. 但是,那些相信杜鲁门(presidenttruman)路线的人承认,前面还有一段艰难的路要走。

    Those who think President Truman got it right acknowledge , nonetheless , that there is a hard road ahead .

  12. 美国财政部和美联储(Fed)前官员、目前供职于华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstitute)的泰德杜鲁门(TedTruman)表示:把干预和货币政策混为一谈可能是危险的。

    Ted Truman , a former US Treasury and Federal Reserve official now at the Peterson Institute in Washington , says : Mixing up intervention and monetary policy can be dangerous .

  13. 第二是杜鲁门主义(TrumanDoctrine)的失败。杜鲁门主义明确表示要帮助希腊和土耳其对抗苏联的施压,但是未能指明一条建设性的令所有各方可行的道路。

    Second was the failure of the recent Truman Doctrine – an outspoken scheme to help Greece and Turkey fight Soviet pressures – to indicate a constructive way forward for all .

  14. 在杜鲁门(Truman)总统1948年颁布废除种族隔离的命令以前,美国军队中存在着种族隔离,17个州和首都华盛顿的学校也是如此。

    The military services were segregated ( until President Truman issued a desegregation order in1948 ), as were the schools in17 states and the District of Columbia .

  15. 对于人类如何继续对待同类的评价,与你可能从哈里•杜鲁门(HarryTruman)口中听到的一样不讲情面,尽管杰克•肯尼迪(JackKennedy)是奥巴马提到的前辈。

    It was as hard-nosed an assesment of what humans continue to do to each other as you might have heard from Harry Truman , though the steel-tipped Jack Kennedy was the predecessor invoked .

  16. 一个周六,当他在白宫参观时,一支由法国官员组成的代表团正在拜访时任总统哈里·S·杜鲁门(HarryS.Truman)。当时找不到翻译,于是便由布拉德利代替。

    One Saturday , as he took a tour of the White House , a delegation of French officials was visiting President Harry S. Truman and no translator could be found .

  17. 美国总统哈里·S·杜鲁门(HarryS.Truman)用它推销债券,为战争募资;罗森塔尔驳斥了关于摆拍的指责;接下来又有人问及照片里的人到底都是谁——相关问题似乎已经得到了回答。

    President Harry S. Truman used it to sell bonds to fund the war , Mr. Rosenthal brushed back accusations that it had been staged , and questions arose - and were apparently answered - about who was really in it .

  18. 马歇尔在二战结束时从五角大楼陆军参谋长的职位上退役,而后于1947年初被哈利·杜鲁门总统(HarryS.Truman)任命出任国务卿。

    Marshall had been recalled to become secretary of state by President Harry S Truman at the beginning of1947 , after retiring from the Pentagon at the end of the war as Army chief of staff .

  19. 罗瑞克的摄影项目灵感来自他在看纪录片的时候,偶然发现自己的衣服和第33任总统哈里·杜鲁门的特别像,他就心血来潮,拍了一张自拍照附上杜鲁门总统的照片,把照片上传到Instagram。

    Rorick 's project started when he realized his outfit resembled that of President Harry Truman while watching a documentary . He took a photo of himself , placed it next to one of Truman , and posted it on Instagram .

  20. 4.杜鲁门.凯波特(TrumanCapote):这位《第凡内早餐》和《冷血》的作者声称自己是一个“完全的横向作者”,他说他必须得躺着才能写作,在床上或者沙发上,叼着烟拿着咖啡才行。

    The author of " Breakfast at Tiffany 's " and " In Cold Blood " claimed to be a " completely horizontal author . " He said he had to write lying down , in bed or on a couch , with a cigarette and coffee .

  21. 所以杜鲁门决定进行第二次核打击。

    And Truman decided to go ahead with a second bomb .

  22. 论杜鲁门政府对苏联东欧的难民政策

    To Truman Administration 's Refugee Policy to Soviet and Eastern Europe

  23. 哈利S杜鲁门说他利用幻想来休息。

    Harry S. Truman said that he used daydreaming for rest .

  24. 审判过后,杜鲁门埋头于书的创作。

    After the verdicts , Truman buried himself in the book .

  25. 经济危机逐渐影响到杜鲁门运动场债券。

    Economy 's woes trickle down to Truman Sports Complex bonds .

  26. 杜鲁门是北大西洋公约组织这个联盟的主要缔造者。

    Truman had been the prime architect of the NATO alliance .

  27. 杜鲁门在推动黑人民权发展方面作了大量的努力和贡献。

    Trumen made great efforts and contribution in promoting black civil rights .

  28. 杜鲁门政府的中日贸易管制政策

    Truman 's U.S. Trade Control Policy toward China and Japan

  29. 知情者说杜鲁门会在选举中失利。

    The smart money said Truman would lose the election .

  30. 杜鲁门先是答应派遣飞机和轮船。

    At first President Truman agreed to send American planes and ships .