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  • 网络dooya;Douai
  1. 鬼螃蟹:在奥杜亚困难模式,几乎所有顶级工会都认为死骑是最佳也是唯一的坦克选择。

    Ghostcrawler : Almost all of the top raiding guilds considered the death knight to be overpowered as a tank and the only real option for many of the Ulduar hard modes .

  2. 在厄肋雅史布、约雅达、约哈南和雅杜亚年间,肋未人的族长都登记了,司祭也登记了,直到波斯达理阿的朝代。

    In the days of the High Priests Eliashib , Joiada , Johanan and Jaddua , the heads of the priestly families were recorded in the Book of the Chronicles up to the reign of Darius the Persian .

  3. 以色列军队已占领约旦河西岸哲宁、卡奇里亚、伯利恒、贝杜尼亚和图卡瑞姆五个巴勒斯坦自治城镇。

    Israeli troops have occupied Jenin , Qalqilya , Bethlehem , Beitunia and Tulkarem , the five Palestinian self-rule towns in the West Bank .

  4. 唐吉柯德与桑邱进来,看见艾东莎时,他相信她就是最美丽且出身高贵的淑女&他誓言永远效忠的杜西妮亚。

    Entering with Sancho , Quixotecatches sight of Aldonza and believes her to be the most lovely and highborn lady , Dulcinea , to whom he swears eternal loyalty .