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  1. 尚态的极致&王铎草书在明代草书史上的地位分析

    The status analysis of WANG Duo 's cursive script in calligraphy history of Ming Dynasty

  2. 王铎在大胆创变的同时也开创了一个书法艺术的新时代。

    While making bold innovation , Wang Duo also created a new era of calligraphy art .

  3. 近几十年来,王铎在中日书坛上产生了广泛的影响。

    Wang Duo 's calligraphy have largely influenced the calligraphers in both Japan and China in the past decades .

  4. 嗣响七子熔铸众长&王铎诗学思想简论

    Seven Sons , Descendants Cast with Other 's Strong Points & Brief Comment on WANG Duo 's Poetry and Literature Thought

  5. 这个新时代的创造一方面是王铎个人的生活际遇、艺术、观念影响的结果,也是时代、社会的烙印。

    This is both a result of his personal life opportunity and conceptual influence , but also a mark of the era and society .

  6. 本文是对明末清初书法家王铎艺术思想的研究。

    This thesis is mainly about the artistic thought of the famous calligraphy artist Wang Duo who lived from late Ming Dynasty to the Early Qing Dynasty .

  7. 本文结合相关历史文献以及相关图版资料,着重分析王铎草书艺术的特点及其形成的原因,从中寻求书法艺术创作的启示。

    This article unifies the related historical documents and related chart data , focuses on the analysis of Wang Duo cursive art characteristics and its forming reasons , from the search for calligraphy art inspiration .

  8. 王铎草书在明代晚期、清代前中期及现当代的国内外书坛有重大的影响。

    The Cursive Script of Wang Duo has significant effect on the Calligraphy Circle home and abroad in the late Ming Dynasty , the early and middle Qing Dynasty as well as the contemporary times .

  9. 从王铎死因看晚唐藩镇之祸及落第士人的心态怨毒心态与唐末落第士子的人生选择

    Late Tang Dynasty Disaster and the Mental States of the Poor Scholars : Analysis of the Cause of WANG Duo s Death ; Enmity Mentality And Life Choice Of Scholars Who Fail In An Imperial Examination

  10. 通过王铎个案的研究,再次证实了没有继承就没有创新这一永恒的艺术法则,这正是本文的结论所在。

    His achievement in art is universally acknowledged . My conclusion through case by case study proves again an eternal art rule , that is , it is impossible to bring forth a new idea without inheritance .

  11. 在此基础上,王铎书法艺术的重势尚意、化简为繁以及涨墨法的运用,更是笔者在书法创作中不断学习和体悟的艺术要素。

    On this basis , Wang Duo calligraphy art " the heavy potential Shang Yi "," simplification for complex " and the rise of Mexican law apply , is the creation of calligraphy in continuous learning and understanding the artistic elements .

  12. 内容摘要:明末清初书法家王铎在中国书法史上有着重要的地位,他在书法上有着强烈的个性和创造性,直到今天仍然对书法后学们有着启发意义。

    The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty calligrapher Wang Duo in Chinese calligraphy history has an important position in calligraphy , he has a strong personality and creativity , until today still on the calligraphy I have inspire a meaning .