
It is time for change , and officials should face the public more often , Wang said .
She added that solid statistics were hard to come by after the government stopped reporting steel employment figures at the end of 2013 .
Wang Guoqing , director of research at Lange Steel Information Research Centre in Beijing , estimated that one in 10 steel workers faced being laid off .
Wang also stressed that the Party and government leaders at various levels should improve their media awareness , and enhance their ability to deal with the media and the public .
Meanwhile , the Chinese culture of worshipping the philosophy of the ' unsung hero ' and ' speak less and work more ' has made active voices rare here , Wang added .
However , as China opens up even more and public expectations for timely information increase , the current system won 't be able to meet demand , especially in a digital era , Wang said .
In addition , some spokespersons are not key members of their workplace , so they lack access to crucial information and the decision-making process , which hampers their ability to deliver sufficient messages to the public and media in a timely way , according to Wang .