
  • 网络Wang
  1. 王文写了一篇文章,以证实他的想法。

    Wang Wen wrote an article to verify his ideas .

  2. 王文送礼只不过想表示一下他的感谢。

    Wang Wen just liked to show his thankfulness by giving the present .

  3. 每逢中秋节,王文就会想家。

    Wang Wen gets homesick on Mid-Autumn festival .

  4. 王文不懂英语,只好把这些美国女孩子的谈话当歌听。

    Wang Wen does not speak english , so he has to take the conversation of the American girls as if they were singing .

  5. 记者发现,周文结尾没有详细注释,但在文末参考文献中列出了包括王文在内的5篇论文和1本译著。

    Our reporter found that Zhou and Xie Yue ` s article lacks detailed notes but that it does cite 6 references - 5 essays ( including that by Wang and his collaborators ) and 1 translated work .