
  • 网络acquisition;corporate acquisition;takeover;take over
  1. 法国曾出了名地表示,它不会允许外国公司收购达能(Danone),因为这家酸奶生产商是国宝。

    France famously stated that it would not allow the acquisition of Danone , since the yogurt maker was a national champion .

  2. 上个月,因旗下汽车公司收购英国汽车品牌捷豹(jaguar)和陆虎(landrover),塔塔集团被迫进行大力干预,发行了一批权证。

    His warning comes after the group was forced to intervene heavily last month to prop up a rights issue for the acquisition by its motor unit of Jaguar and Land Rover , the British car marques .

  3. 投资者对公司收购的消息反应积极。

    Investors reacted positively to news of the takeover .

  4. 发言人拒绝向新闻界透露公司收购的详细情况。

    The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press .

  5. 《致富》债务缠身,被另一家公司收购。

    ' Business to Business ' was taken over by another company after it fell into debt

  6. 可惜时移世易,这世界变化得太快,不会等待惠普和Palm之间冗长的公司收购流程完成后才继续发展。

    But the world turns quickly and waits for no corporate mergers .

  7. 东京证交所(tokyostockexchange)将起草公司收购防御指导方针,这可能会加大日本的上市公司阻止主动竞购(unsolicitedbid)的难度。

    Tokyo Stock Exchange is to draw up corporate takeover defence guidelines that could make it harder for listed companies in Japan to thwart unsolicited bids .

  8. 他向《财富》杂志(Fortune)讲述了即便是在被全球最大的饮料公司收购后,一家小型绿色公司保持企业之魂的努力。

    He spoke ToFortune about how a small green business can keep its soul even after being bought by the largest beverage company in the world .

  9. 去年6月,中航工业旗下的一家公司收购了总部位于美国明尼苏达州的私人飞机制造商西锐飞机工业公司(CirrusIndustriesInc.),由此获得了一个轻型螺旋桨飞机生产线以及一种正在研发中的小型喷气机。

    Last June , an AVIC unit acquired Minnesota-based private-aircraft maker Cirrus Industries Inc. , giving the Chinese company access to a line of light propeller aircraft and a small jet under development .

  10. 很多德国人对中国公司收购德国著名科技公司非常担心,德国投资者保护组织SdK的发言人丹尼尔•鲍尔(DanielBauer)说。

    A lot of people in Germany have massive concerns about Chinese companies taking over leading tech companies , said Daniel Bauer , a spokesman for SdK , a German investor-protection group .

  11. 2002年10月,新颁布的《上市公司收购管理办法》首次认可了MBO这一新生的杠杆收购形式,MBO从此在我国迅速盛行起来。

    The newly issued Managing Method of Listed Company Acquisition in Oct. 2002 legalized MBO as a kind of leverage acquisition for the first time , and MBO becomes more and more popular from then on .

  12. 这笔计划中的交易,还包括从嘉能可公司收购氧化铝及铝资产。这家行事神秘的瑞士企业,在英国上市矿业集团斯特拉塔(Xstrata)拥有36%的股份。

    The planned deal also includes the purchase of alumina and aluminium assets from Glencore , the secretive Swiss company that owns 36 per cent of UK-listed Xstrata .

  13. 蒂森克虏伯电梯公司收购了美国通用电梯营销与服务股份有限公司(GESS)的所有股份。

    ThyssenKrupp Elevator has acquired all shares in the US company General Elevator Sales and Service , Inc. ( GESS ) .

  14. 几个月后,沙特石油的一家子公司收购了马来西亚控股公司UBG。公开记录显示,刘特佐及他代表的投资者在这家公司中持有大量股份。

    A few months later , a PetroSaudi subsidiary purchased a Malaysian holding company , UBG , in which Mr. Low and his investors held a substantial stake , according to public records .

  15. 略论国有资本运营与上市公司收购之制度价值

    National Capital Operations and System Value of Listed Corporations ' Purchase

  16. 自宝安收购延中事件后,我国上市公司收购事件时有发生。

    From then on , affairs of takeover happen in China frequently .

  17. 公司收购中会计处理方法的选择与比较

    A Comparison of Two Accounting Methods in Processing Company Purchase

  18. 上市公司收购监管可划分为信息披露监管、反收购监管与反垄断监管三类。

    Takeover regulation could be classified as securities regulation and anti-monopoly regulation .

  19. 公司收购中控股股东权利滥用的法律规制

    On Law Control of the Controlling Shareholders ' Abuse of Their Privileges

  20. 因而在上市公司收购中加强中小股东权益保护具有现实意义和重大价值。

    Thus , strengthening the protection of minority interests had great significance .

  21. 公司收购背景下的中小股东利益保护

    Protection of Minority Shareholder is Cornerstone of the Takeover of Modern Corporation

  22. 中国上市公司收购监管模式评析

    The Analysis of Current Supervision Pattern on the Takeover of Listed Company

  23. 第一部分,全面阐述了上市公司收购立法的基本法律问题。

    Chapter 1 , analyzes the basic corporate takeover legislation .

  24. 公司收购中目标公司价值评估法研究

    Study of market comparative method value assessment of target company in purchasing companies

  25. 日本网络游戏公司收购玩具公司部分股份

    Japanese network game company purchased some part of stock from the toys company

  26. 1984年雀巢公司收购了卡内什公司。

    Nestle Corporation acquired the Carnation Company in 1984 .

  27. (七)上市公司收购的有关方案;

    Plans relevant to the acquisition of listed companies ;

  28. 这家联营饭店集团已被一家大型跨国公司收购。

    The hotel chain has been bought by one of the big multinationals .

  29. 它是上市公司收购的一种极为重要的方式。

    It is a kind of extremely important way that the listed company purchases .

  30. 小议澳大利亚公司收购法律改革

    The Corporate law Economic Reform program in Australia