
ɡōnɡ lì jiù jì
  • Public remedies;public protection
  1. 在救济途径的选择上,本文建议分为私力救济和公力救济两种途径。

    In the choice of the remedy channel , it is proposed to take private protection and public protection .

  2. 论私力救济与公力救济的交错&一个法理的阐释

    The Interaction between Self-help and Judicial Remedy : A Jurisprudential Perspective

  3. 而首先需要了解的是公力救济。

    The first thing you need to know is that public relief .

  4. 论公力救济程序中外语的法律地位

    On Legal Status of Foreign Languages in the Process of Public Remedy

  5. 对我国家庭暴力的成因和公力救济制度的思考

    On family violence 's formation cause and consideration of public power assistance system

  6. 诉讼调解中的公力救济和私权交易的分工合作

    Cooperation and Work Division between Public Relief and Private Right Trade in Litigate Mediation

  7. 这一体系首先要求树立公力救济和私力救济相结合的价值理念。

    First , we must insist on a combination of public relief and private relief .

  8. 论债权的公力救济

    The public remedy of creditor 's right

  9. 公力救济是法治社会实现债权的最好方式。

    Public remedy is the best way to realize the creditor 's right in legal society .

  10. 第二部分:民事权利私力救济和公力救济优劣之对比分析。

    Chapter two , the merits and defects between civil rights private relief and public relief .

  11. 动产担保权的实行制度应引进自力救济途径,同时完善公力救济途径。

    Enforcement system of security interests shall introduce self-help remedy and public remedy shall be perfected .

  12. 第五,在知识产权海关保护的纠纷解决方式中,引入调解制度,以弥补公力救济和私力救济的不足。

    Fifth , introduce the mediation system to compensate for the lack ofpublic relief and private relief .

  13. 公力救济不能完全的解决纠纷,私力救济必然有合理性。

    Public relief can not completely resolve the dispute , and private relief there must be reasonable .

  14. 私力救济、公力救济和自力救济,是自我救济权利的三种外在表现形式。

    Private remedy , public remedy and consensual remedy are three manifestations of such a self-defense right .

  15. 在反家庭暴力的救济手段中,公力救济是一个主要的手段与途径。

    Among all relief means of anti-domestic violence , the public relief is a major means and channels .

  16. 民事权利私力救济制度是民事权利救济体系中一项重要的制度,与民事权利公力救济相对应。

    Civil rights private relief is an important system in civil rights relief , corresponding to the public relief .

  17. 从自我救济权利出发,当代权利救济问题的实质是以自我救济权利为基点整合公力救济和自力救济。

    The crux of the issue of right of remedy is how to integrate the public remedy and the consensual remedy .

  18. 研究环境侵权最主要的目的就是预防其发生以及给予及时充分的救济。环境侵权救济方式可以从不同角度作多种划分,例如公力救济和私力救济,民事救济和行政救济等等。

    The main purpose of the study of environmental tort is to prevent environmental tort and offer abundant remedy in time .

  19. 法院强制拍卖行为是一种国家司法行为,具有公力救济的性质。

    The court compulsory auction is a kind of national judicial act , which has the property of " public remedy " .

  20. 从权利救济的视角言,侠的历史在场与公力救济自身的缺陷是紧密相连的。

    From the perspective of right remedy , presentation of chivalry in history is closely linked with the defects of the public remedy .

  21. 随着国家的出现,公力救济逐渐取代私力救济,成为了垄断实现正义的资源和途径。

    With the emergence of the state , public relief gradually replace private relief , resources and ways to become a monopoly justice .

  22. 在一个运作良好的社会,公力救济、私力救济、社会型救济应保持良性互动关系,形成相互并存、衔接、配合和补充的多元化纠纷解决机制。

    In the well-ordered society , we should construct a multiple dispute settlement mechanism under which judicial remedy , self-remedy and social-remedy promote mutually .

  23. 在传统社会,公力救济信任机制的危机以及成本的高昂,为侠的在场提供了空间。

    In the traditional society , the confidential crisis and the high cost of the public remedy allowed the presence of " chivalry " .

  24. 物权登记错误救济是对因物权登记错误而合法利益受损的当事人提供的救济,包括私力救济和公力救济。

    The remedy of mistaken property registration means the relief to the injured party due to mistaken registration , including public relief and private relief .

  25. 在法治国家,公力救济是解决社会冲突与纠纷最常见和最重要的方式,但私力救济仍不可或缺。

    In a law-based nation , though public remedy is the most common and important way to solve social conflicts , private remedy is still necessary .

  26. 目前学界较多把视角放在环境侵权的公力救济等救济方式上,鲜有人关注环境侵权的私力救济问题。

    At present , the academic field focuses more on the public relief , rarely paying attention to the private relief to the environment right infringement .

  27. 民事执行中的私力救济既能弥补公力救济的正当性危机,又有利于民事执行目的的实现。

    Relief of private force of civil execution can remedy legitimating crisis of relief of public force and also benefits for realizing the target of civil execution .

  28. 私力救济无法、也不打算取代公力救济,它只在一定范围内发挥替代补充功能。

    Private relief is impossible and does not intend to replace the public relief , only to play in a certain range of complementary and alternative functions .

  29. 民事强制执行法律制度作为私权实现的重要公力救济手段,是现代法制社会的必然要求。

    As an important strong public saving way of realizing personal power , executing the civil law forcely is needed necessarily by modern society of legal systems .

  30. 刘村内部发生的家庭外部纠纷更多通过公力救济的方式解决与刘村缺乏必要的纠纷解决资源&权威之间有着密切的关系。

    Why the outer family disputes are mostly resolved through legal remedy resources lies in the fact that the necessary resource-authority for dispute resolution-is deficient in Liu Village .