
yì si zì zhì yuán zé
  • the rule of autonomy of the will
  1. 论仲裁制度中的意思自治原则

    The Rule of Autonomy of the Will on the Arbitration System

  2. 意思自治原则及其限制

    The Rule of Autonomy of the Will and Its Limitations

  3. 合同的实质问题,其法律适用的趋势是:(l)当事人意思自治原则依然是调整法律适用的首要原则,并具有放宽使用的趋势;

    As for the application of law of substantial factors of click-wrap contract , the dissertation holds : CD the autonomy of will doctrine will still be the fist principle , and the limitations of it will be reduced gradually ;

  4. 国际私法上意思自治原则的法哲学分析

    Jurisprudence Analysis of Autonomy of Will Principle in Conflicts of Laws

  5. 试论当事人意思自治原则在国际私法中的适用

    Applicability of the principle of party autonomy in International Private Law

  6. 当事人意思自治原则的法哲学探析

    Discussing and analyzing party autonomy principle of parties in legal philosophy

  7. 意思自治原则在国际商事仲裁中的地位评析

    On the Status of Party Autonomy in the International Commercial Arbitration

  8. 意思自治原则的适用范围应加以扩大。

    The scope of party autonomy principle should be extended .

  9. 当事人意思自治原则是仲裁制度的基石。

    The principle of Parties ' Autonomy is the foundation of arbitration .

  10. 意思自治原则与仲裁协议的效力

    Party Autonomy Principle and the Effectiveness of the Arbitrate Agreement

  11. 意思自治原则确定涉外合同准据法比较研究

    Comparative Research on Choosing Laws Applicable to foreign Contracts by Autonomy of Will

  12. 从仲裁协议效力的认定看意思自治原则之发展

    Development of the Will Autonomy Principle Viewed from the Arbitration Agreement Potency Recognition

  13. 法治视野中的意思自治原则

    The Principle of Will Autonomy in the Visual Field of Rule of Law

  14. 这主要表现在:(1)当事人意思自治原则。

    It is displayed as : ( 1 ) Doctrine of the party autonomy .

  15. 意思自治原则的经济分析

    The Economic Analysis of Meaning Autonomous Principle

  16. 自由在私法领域最重要的体现就是意思自治原则。

    The rule autonomy of the will is the reflection of freedom in private law .

  17. 意思自治原则的采用,就是这一趋势的体现。

    And the introduction of principle of autonomy is a just manifestation of this trend .

  18. 论当事人意思自治原则

    Party Autonomy Principle in International Private Law

  19. 论国际私法意思自治原则及其完善&对我国民法典草案第九编第五十条的思考

    On the Improving of the Rule of Autonomy of the Will in the Private International Law

  20. 研究意思自治原则有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    To research on the principle of autonomy of will is important in theory and reality .

  21. 论国际商业贷款协议法律适用中的意思自治原则

    On the Principle of Autonomy of the Parties in the Applicable Law of International Commercial Loan

  22. 意思自治原则是国际商业贷款合同法律适用中的首要原则。

    The principle of autonomy is the prime principle in the law application of international commercial loans .

  23. 按照意思自治原则选择合同准据法的若干问题

    Some Issues Concerning Choice of Applicable Law in Light of the Principle of Autonomy of the Parties

  24. 意思自治原则的成长与法治社会

    The Grow up of the Principle of Will Autonomy and Society Based on the Rule of Law

  25. 论意思自治原则在诉讼时效制度中的体现

    On the Representation of the Principle of Meaning Autonomy in the System of Time Effectiveness of Proceedings

  26. 版权授权实际上是版权人与使用者达成版权合同,意思自治原则是版权授权遵循的基本原则。

    Copyright authorization is actually a contract between copyright owners and users . Autonomy is the basic principle .

  27. 在私法领域,意思自治原则历经几个世纪的嬗变依然活跃。

    In the private law area , the Autonomy of Will Principle has been active over several centuries .

  28. 遗嘱自由与契约自由一样都是意思自治原则的体现。同时,遗嘱自由原则也体现了对公民个人财产权的保护和尊重。

    Freedom of testament is the reflection of the rule autonomy of the will as the freedom of contract .

  29. 意思自治原则允许合同当事人选择支配其合同的实体法。

    The theory of autonomy of parties allows the contracting parties to choose the substantive law to govern their contract .

  30. 而在现代西方,国家与社会的关系开始呈现出一种相互渗透、互动发展的态势,这一变化也影响到意思自治原则,使其产生了一定的变迁。

    And in the modern world , the relationship between state and society is undergoing a change towards inter-infiltration and inter-development .