
yì zhì jiǎn tuì
  • hypobulia
  1. 抑郁症是一种主要以情绪低落、思维迟滞及意志减退为主要临床特征,并伴有相应的躯体及心理等多种临床表现的精神科常见疾病。

    Depression is a kind of disease mainly featured with symptoms of depression , slow mentality and hypobulia and mixed with common mental diseases related to multiple clinical symptoms of body and mentality .

  2. 多见的症状是意志减退,情感淡漠,妄想和幻觉。

    Abulia , affective flattening , delusion and hallucination were their most common symptoms .

  3. 我害怕的是长期坐在舒适的椅子里或让我的智力以及意志力减退。

    It is that my brain and willpower are weakened by long spells in the chair .

  4. 抑郁症主要表现为特征性的情绪低落、思维迟缓、意志活动减退及一些躯体症状,它是人类心理失调最主要和最经常出现的问题之一。

    Depression mainly characterized by in low spirits , thinking slow , activity decline and some somatic symptoms , and it is one of the most important factors and frequent problems of human psychiatric disorders .