
yì si zhǔ yì
  • autonomy of the will
  1. 成年人民事行为能力&从行为主义到意思主义

    Adults ' Civil Capacity & From Behavior Capacity to Mental Capacity

  2. 意思主义体现了私法自治原则,表示主义则体现了信赖保护原则。

    Principle of will embodies the principle of private autonomy , but indication theory reflects the principle of reliance protection .

  3. 并在此基础上探索新的物权变动模式,进行理论创新提出了物权意思主义和绝对物权行为理论。

    Furthermore they quest for new model of real right alteration pattern and raise Real Right Expressionism and Absolute Real Right Act Theory .

  4. 历史上严格形式主义和过分追求意思主义都曾阻碍了私法交易繁荣发展。

    In the history , the strict formalism and excessively pursued the meaning principle all once to hinder the civil law transaction prosperity development .

  5. 传统大陆法系国家由于时代背景、经济体制、法律文化传统的差异形成了意思主义和形式主义两大物权变动模式。

    Expressionism and Formalism are formed in traditional civil law countries due to the difference of historical background , economic structure and legal culture tradition .

  6. 民事错误制度兴起于罗马法时期表示主义向意思主义的转变,时至今日,错误问题一直是意思表示领域内最棘手最有挑战性的问题。

    Civil mistake system originates from the Roman period , until today , it has been the most difficult and challenging problem of meaning expressing areas .

  7. 意思主义完全排斥区分原则的适用,当事人间的债权合意能够直接发生物权变动的结果。

    The intentional principle completely excludes the application of the principle of distinction . The accord of obligation between the parties can make real right to transfer directly .

  8. 从比较法考察,德国民法典之前的法国和日本民法典,在物权变动上基本采纳意思主义。

    From a comparative law perspective , the French and Japanese civil codes basically adopt the principle of autonomy of the will in respect of change of property rights .

  9. 目前世界上有意思主义、形式主义、交付主义、意思主义与形式主义相交错的四种物权变动模式。

    Currently there are four patterns of property right change in the world . They are intentionalism , formalism , the principle of delivery , intentionalism combined with formalism .

  10. 以表示主义为原则,意思主义为例外的意思表示解释原则,为权利外观理论的实践化提供了有用的工具。

    The explanation principle of meaning expression that takes the expressionism as principle and the meaning-ism as exception provides a useful tool for the implementation of the right appearance theory .

  11. 笔者在文中的第一章、第二章,通过比较法,在物权形式主义、债权意思主义和债权形式主义这三种物权变动模式下,分析出无权处分合同的概念及效力。

    The author has analyzed the concept and effect of unauthorized disposal contract under real rights formalism , creditor ideal rights formalism and creditor rights formalism on chapter one and tow .

  12. 以法国和德国为例,法国对于交付主要是以意思主义为主,且法国关于交付制度的规定是详尽的,尤其是交付的救济制度。

    With France and Germany as an example , France was primarily for delivery , and the French mean socialist primarily about the provisions of the delivery system are exhaustive , especially delivery of relief system .

  13. 在合同解释的原则上,大陆法系的意思主义和英美法系的表示主义在经济社会化的大背景下渐趋融合,折衷主义解释原则在各国合同解释制度中得以确立。

    Nevertheless , principles of contract interpretation ( Declaration of wills and Autonomy of the will ), progressively tend to be integrated on the background of economic socialization . Principles of Eclecticism became established in the legal system of countries .

  14. 意思主义立法模式下有着复杂的第三人保护问题,虽然也有助于保护交易中的第三人,但这种制度安排在保护交易安全方面不十分明晰且纷繁复杂。

    Meaning doctrine legislative model has a complex protection of a third person , although it helps to protect the transaction in the third person , but the institutional arrangements in the protection of transaction security is not very clear and complex .

  15. 其次,介绍观念交付的效力主要内容。第一,观念交付的形成力在意思主义和形式主义物权变动模式的国家一般都予以承认。

    Secondly introduce the effect main contents of conceptual delivery . The first , the formation dint of the idea consignation cares to think the nation that doctrine and formalism real right change mode generally and all to the in recognition of .

  16. 围绕物权变动,按照引起物权变动的原因和变动规则不同,世界上形成了债权意思主义、物权形式主义和债权意思主义三种物权变动模式。

    Around changes in property , according to the reasons for changes in property and rules of changes , in the world it formed three models on changes in property : Meaning of Marxist claims , Property formalism and Meaning of Marxist claims .

  17. 物权变动模式与效力区分原则有着密切联系,研究效力区分原则必然涉及物权变动模式。物权变动模式大致可分为债权意思主义、物权形式主义和债权形式主义。

    The two are related closely . So the study of the principle of distinguishing effectiveness will inevitably involve the mode of the alteration of real right which can be roughly divided into intentional principle of obligation , formalism of real right and formalism of obligation .

  18. 二元化模式是我国物权立法对意思主义和形式主义进行平行继受的结果,它有利于发挥意思主义的优势以克服形式主义的局限性。

    The dualistic pattern is the result of a balanced reception of principle of will and formalism in the legislation of property rights in our country , and it is beneficial to give play to principle of will in order to overcome the limitations of formalism .

  19. 本文以物权公式原则为中心,回顾了从动产质押到动产抵押的历史演变过程,分析了从意思主义到登记主义的各种解决办法,并在此基础上检讨了我国现行动产抵押制度。

    This article reviews the historical evolution from pawnage of chattels to mortgage of chattels centering on public notice principle of property right , and explores current mortgage of chattels system in China based on the analysis of all solutions derived from Will Theory to Register Theory .

  20. 别误解我的意思科学怀疑主义是有好处的

    Now , don 't get me wrong : scientific skepticism is healthy

  21. 程序参加者的意思自治是当事人主义的重要支撑。

    A participant 's consciousness autonomy is the important support of litigantism .

  22. 在这方面,意思表示的客观解释理论发挥了最主要作用,该理论又是建立在对意思表示的理解采取以表示主义为原则并融合意思主义部分要素的立场之上。

    The objectively explanation theory to law actions took a major part in that way , which based on both the expressed way and the meaning way to explain meaning expression .