
  • 网络relations of will
  1. 法权关系是一种反映经济关系的意志关系之法理思考

    Thinking about " Right relations are a kind of relation of will that reflect economic relation "

  2. 关于民事法律关系的性质,学界一概地定性为上层建筑范围内的思想意志关系,笔者指出这是不正确的;

    The writer disagrees on the view about the essence of civil legal relationship accepted in the academic circle generally as the ideological relation in the superstructure .

  3. 道德意志关系到一个人的道德行为能不能养成与坚持,关系到道德教育的效果与德育的成败。

    Moral strength and will power determines whether a person 's moral conduct can be cultivated and persisted in and determines the effectiveness and final outcome of moral education .

  4. 作为财产形式的法权关系,产权不但是反映经济关系的意志关系,而且是历史的产物和历史的范畴,具有历史的形式。

    As the property form of a relationship of legal rights , property rights are not only a relationship of will that reflects economic relationships but also a product of historical development that entails historical category and form .

  5. 人本质上是社会性的存在,社会成员之间存在着两种基本关系,即强力关系和意志关系,暴力的垄断是法产生的原因,先有暴力垄断,后有法律。

    The author 's idea is that human is the being with society essentially and there are both kinds of relations between social members , i.e.the relations of power and of will , the monopolization of violence is the source of law , firstly is the monopolization and law secondly .

  6. 认识一个人就是与这人建立起一个最终能影响思想、感情、和意志的关系。

    Knowing another person meant having a relationship with that person that ultimately touched the mind , emotions , and will .

  7. 紧接着,我们又继续讨论了视觉形式与艺术意志的关系,所讨论的只是视觉艺术的形式,即视觉艺术的形式内涵、特征、风格变化规律等。

    We then investigate the relation between visual form and artistic will , which focus on the form of visual art , including form content , characteristic , and style change .

  8. 本章从基督教文化的罪与罚角度,引证奥古斯丁的思想来分析罪恶与自由意志的关系。

    In this chapter the author will adopt the angle of crime and punishment in Christian Idea , using the thoughts of Augustine to analyze the connection between crime and free will .

  9. 采用问卷调查法对体育院校大学生的心理素质,包括兴趣、动机、情感、意志、人际关系、适应性、竞争、开拓创新等素质进行了研究。

    By the method of questionnaire investigation , this article studies the psychological qualities of students in institutes of physical education .

  10. 契约关系是自由意志间的关系,其核心是将单一意志变为共同意志,并在共同意志下实现财产所有权交换。

    Being the relation between free wills , the contractual relation is to turn the single will into common will , and to carry out the property rights exchange under the common will .

  11. 针对当前小学生普遍存在的心理问题,本文着重从培养学生自尊心和自信心、良好的学习品质、情绪、意志和人际关系等五个方面阐述了小学语文心育的基本内容。

    This thesis , according to the common existing psychological problems of primary school students , elaborates the basic contents of the Chinese psychology education primary schools from five aspects , namely how to foster self-esteem , self-confidence , good learning character , feeling , strong will and sociability .

  12. 这说法跟霍布士否定自由意志明显有连带关系。

    This is connected , obviously , with Hobbes 's denial of free will .

  13. 高水平足球运动员人格特质与意志品质特点和关系的研究

    Research on the Feature and Relation of Personality and Volition of High-level Soccer Athletes

  14. 圣子是一个位格:有祂的思想、感情、意志、计划、关系。

    The Son is a person – with his mind , will , emotions , plan , relationship .

  15. 法是政治的规则,表达政治意志,调整政治关系,规范政治行为,维护政治秩序,制约政治发展。

    The rules of law is the political expression of political will , adjust the political relations , norms of political behavior , maintenance of political order , which restricts political development .

  16. 论统治阶级意志与社会公共意志的关系

    On Relationship Between Ruling Class Will and Social Public Will

  17. 明确自由与意志、道德自由与道德意志及其相互关系,是理解道德自由意志与道德意志自由的前提条件。

    To definite freedom and will , moral freedom and moral will and also their relationships is a precondition for understanding moral free will and moral freedom of the will .

  18. 从经验的观点来看,权力不过是存在于个人意志的表现和另一些人对履行这个意志之间的依赖关系。

    Power , from the point of view of experience , is only the dependence existing between the expression of the will of a person and the carrying out of that will by others .