
xínɡ zhènɡ fǎ lǜ ɡuān xì
  • administrative jural relation;administrative juridical relation;administrative legal relationship
  1. 行政主体理论是一个内涵非常丰富、地位非常重要的理论,对理清行政法律关系,明确行政法律责任具有非常重要的作用。

    The subject of administration theory is a very important theory full of connotation , which does great help to clear administrative juridical relation and obligation in administrative law .

  2. 这种行政法律关系相当特殊。

    But the administrative legal relationship is special ?

  3. 认为高校与大学生法律关系既包含有行政法律关系,又兼有民事法律关系。

    Also , the relationship includes both administrative and civil legal relationships .

  4. 论高等学校与学生之间行政法律关系的基本内容

    On the Content of the Executive Legal Relation between Colleges and its Students

  5. 行政法律关系是行政法的基本范畴之一。

    Administrative legal relation is one of the fundamental concepts of administrative law .

  6. 第一个问题介绍了高校与学生的行政法律关系。

    The first part introduces the administrative relationship between the Colleges and students .

  7. 这一关系是一种特殊的行政法律关系。

    This is a special administrative legal relationship .

  8. 行政法律关系视野中的教师聘任制

    Views on teacher appointment from the perspective of the relation of administration and law

  9. 现代行政法律关系仍然以强制性为基本的特征。

    Modern administrative laws still possess mandatory character .

  10. 高校与学生的行政法律关系由高校所处的法律地位决定,如果高校以行政主体的身份行使行政权与学生发生权利义务关系,那么这种法律关系就是行政法律关系。

    The legal position of Colleges and students has been decided by the position of college .

  11. 公共营造物的使用者和设置、管理者之间是一种行政法律关系。

    There is an administrative legal relation between the users and public objects managers and builders .

  12. 我国现行的公立学校与教师之间主要是一种行政法律关系。

    The relation between the public schools and their teachers is mainly that of administration and law .

  13. 行政法律关系强调的是管理与服从,是一种纵向关系,双方主体地位是不平等的;

    On the third party to administrative legal relationship The administrative legal relationship emphasizes administration and submitting .

  14. 第三,借鉴社会学理论,利用关系契约说,指出证券市场独立审计的社会化契约关系超越了民事法律关系,更不同于行政法律关系,而是经济法关系。

    Thirdly the author discuss that the independent audit in the securities market is beyond the civil legal relationship .

  15. 确认行政法律关系判决,在理论上存在诸多障碍,其制度空间十分有限。

    There are many obstacles of administrative declaratory judgment in theory , and space for this system is limited .

  16. 第一章对非政府组织在行政法律关系中的作用和地位进行定位。

    First chapter carries on the localization to the NGO 's in the administration legal relationship function and the status .

  17. 关于这一特定法律关系的理论主要有行政法律关系、民事合同法律关系、双重法律关系。

    Theories of the specific legal relationships mainly include administrative legal relationships , civil contract legal relationships and dual legal relationships .

  18. 笔者认为,物业管理各主体之间的相互关系既包含平权型的民事法律关系,也包含指导、监督型的行政法律关系。

    I think the related relationship among the main bodies in property management includes civil legal relationship and administration legal relationship .

  19. 而村委会与村民之间的纠纷属于民事法律关系还是行政法律关系也在法学界引起了争议。

    But there is controversy that dissension between the villagers committee and villagers belongs to civil legal relationship or administration one .

  20. 同时,它又是公法人中的特别法人,在行政法律关系中它具有独立的人格。

    And at the same time , itis a special legal person with independent personalities in its legal relationship with administration .

  21. 学校与学生之间是一种综合性的法律关系,既有民事法律关系,亦有一种内部行政法律关系。

    The relationship of schools and students is a kind of complex legal relationship , which is both civil and internal administrative legal relationship .

  22. 在政府与公立高校法律关系中存在纵向的行政法律关系和横向的民事法律关系。

    There are the vertical ( administrative legal relations ) and horizontal ( civil legal relations ) legal relations in government and public universities .

  23. 本文试通过对法律关系主客体及行政法律关系的认识,分析人身能够成为行政法律关系客体的理论基础和现实条件。

    The paper tries to analysis the foundation of theory and conditions of realize that human body can become the object of administrative legal relationship .

  24. 入校时主要是民事法律中的合同关系,在校期间主要是内部管理关系,离校时主要是行政法律关系。

    The relationship is of the civil contract when entering the college , the inner supervision when in school , the administrative one when graduation .

  25. 国内学者受传统法学理论影响,一般不将人身作为行政法律关系的客体。

    Under the affection of traditional legal theory , the school in China usually don 't think human body as object of administrative legal relationship .

  26. 笔者认为学校与学生之间的法律关系是一种双重法律关系,即部分为准行政法律关系,部分为民事法律关系。

    I think the legal relations between schools and students are binary . One is administrative legal relation , the other is civil legal relation .

  27. 行政法律关系除行政主体和行政相对人之外,还存在着第三方主体即行政第三人。

    The authors believe that there exists the third subject , namely the third party in administrative law , besides administrative subject and administrative counterpart .

  28. 如何构建政府与公立学校的行政法律关系,是教育行政体制改革的核心问题之一。

    How to establish the administrative legal relation between government and public schools is one of critical questions in reforming the educational administrative system in China .

  29. 行政法律关系不具有平等性、对应性、对等性以及平衡性是目前行政法学界的主流观点。

    It is the academic mainstream that administrative law does not have relations of fairness , counterparts , equality and balance in the field of administrative law .

  30. 其次,公共租赁住房物业管理法律关系,是横向民事法律关系与纵向行政法律关系的结合。

    Secondly , the legal relationship of property management of public rental housing , is the combination of horizontal civil legal relation and longitudinal administrative law relation .