
xínɡ zhènɡ shōu fèi
  • administrative charge
  1. 以文件为依据的行政收费有什么样的负面影响,应怎样克服这些负面影响?

    Has the administrative charge with file as basis what harm ?

  2. 论行政收费存在的问题及其对策

    On Problems Existing in Administrative Charge and Countermeasures Against Them

  3. 行政收费有一定的现实合理性。

    Administrative fees of the reality of a certain rationality .

  4. 产品交付后的税收和行政收费由甲方负担。

    Tax and administrative charge after delivery shall be borne by Party A.

  5. 笔者首先介绍了行政收费程序的基本理论。

    The author first introduces the basic theory of the administrative charge process .

  6. 那么,行政收费能不能以文件为依据?

    Can administrative charge be basis with file ?

  7. 其在制度上表现为税收制度和行政收费制度。

    The performance of the system are taxation system and administrative system of charges .

  8. 完善行政收费活动的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on Collection of Administrative Fees

  9. 服务型政府视角下行政收费理论基础的再审视

    Consideration on the theoretical basis of administrative charges form the perspective of the service-oriented government

  10. 提起行政收费,人们首先想到的是乱收费。

    File administrative charges , people think first of all fees and charges is arbitrary .

  11. 经济学理论中的公共物品理论为行政收费的存在提供了理论依据。

    The " common article " theory in economics theory has provided the theory basis .

  12. 本行可就处理大量现金存款向客户收取合理之行政收费。

    The bank may charge a reasonable administrative fee for handling large amounts of cash deposits .

  13. 再次,分析了规范行政收费管理的基本原则。

    Third , analysis of the norms of administration of the basic principles of management fees .

  14. 论行政收费的设定

    On Enactment of Administrative Charge

  15. 当前行政收费中存在的问题错综复杂,任何单方面的措施都不能从根本上解决问题。

    The problems of administrative charge is so much that any independent measure cannot solve the problem .

  16. 因此,研究和探讨行政收费具有很强的现实意义和很深的理论意义。

    Therefore , research and explore the administrative fees have a strong practical and theoretical significance deep .

  17. 本文为行政收费法治化提供了理论依据。

    The main body of this article on charge for administration rule by law-rization have provided the theory basis .

  18. 对行政收费权的影响,否定了行政行为的效力先定原则;

    Second , the influence on the administrative charging right denies the priority principle of the force of administrative behaviors .

  19. 以期对治理我国行政收费过程中的问题起到抛砖引玉的作用。

    Governance with a view to our country in the process of administrative fees starts to play the role of problem .

  20. 行政收费是一种具体行政行为,属于行政法研究的范畴,应当纳入行政法的规制之中。

    This article thinks that the administrative charge is one kind of concrete administrative action which belongs to the administration research category .

  21. 对行政收费程序的相关概念加以界定并深刻分析了其理论基础和存在价值。

    Procedures related to the concept of administrative fees to be defined and profound analysis of its theoretical foundation and existence value .

  22. 因此,探讨行政收费中如何贯彻以人为本的问题具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the study of how to implement the idea of " people-oriented " in administrative charge is of great practical significance .

  23. 行政收费管理的基本原则作为完善行政收费管理的法律问题的指导思想。

    Administration fee as the basic principles of management to improve the management of administrative fees the guiding ideology of the legal issues .

  24. 行政收费渠道(包括摊派、提高基础设施产品和服务的价格等);

    Administrative charge trench , which consists of apportion , raising the price of urban infrastructure products and services , and so on ;

  25. 地方官员们建立了应急基金,以支付工人们的欠资,同时承诺减少官僚做法和行政收费,以帮助陷入困境的企业。

    Local officials have established emergency funds to pay workers ' back salaries and pledged to help struggling enterprises by cutting red tape and fees .

  26. 交通规费征收作为行政收费的一种,在公路交通事业的发展中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    As a kind of administrative charges , collection and inspection of communication fees is playing an increasingly important role in the development of road transport .

  27. 我国现行行政收费存在诸多问题,已给经济和社会发展带来了严重影响。

    There exists a great deal of questions in current administration charges of our country , which have already brought serious influence to economy and social development .

  28. 行政收费不规范造成了相当大的危害,因此本文对其深层次原因进行了深入的分析。

    Because the administrative charge was not standard , so it has caused much harm , therefore this article has carried on the analysis about its true reason .

  29. 行政收费作为政府获取非税收收入的行为在各国普遍存在,是政府行使行政权的一种行政行为。

    The administrative charge as non-tax revenue of the governments become internationally the universal existence phenomenon which is one kind of executive power that various countries ' government exercises .

  30. 近些年来“乱收费”现象愈演愈烈,使行政收费引起了社会重视。

    In recent years , the phenomenon of " arbitrary collection of fees " is becoming more and more serious , and it leads to social concern of administrative charges .