
xínɡ zhènɡ fǎ lǜ zé rèn
  • Administrative legal responsibility;obligation in administrative law
  1. 行政主体理论是一个内涵非常丰富、地位非常重要的理论,对理清行政法律关系,明确行政法律责任具有非常重要的作用。

    The subject of administration theory is a very important theory full of connotation , which does great help to clear administrative juridical relation and obligation in administrative law .

  2. 行政法律责任的伦理解读

    Understanding of Administrative Legal Obligation from the Aspect of Ethics

  3. 环境教育法的法律责任的设定、行政法律责任、免责条款。

    Environmental Education Act set the legal liability , administrative liability exemption clause .

  4. 社会中介组织行政法律责任探析

    Analysis of Administrative Legal Liability of Social Intermediate Organizations

  5. 第二部分介绍了我国行政法律责任制度的现状。

    Part two is about the status of our administrative legal responsibility system .

  6. 论公务员的行政法律责任

    On the Administrative Law Responsibility of the Civil Servants

  7. 论行政法律责任的主体

    On the Subject of the Administrative Legal Responsibility

  8. 析兵役行政法律责任

    Analysis of Administrative Law Liability in Military Service

  9. 本部分主要研究城市规划的补偿责任及其它行政法律责任。

    The part mainly studies compensation responsibility of urban planning and other administrative legal responsibilities .

  10. 本文分两篇,上篇主要介绍矿山安全监督管理行政法律责任的研究背景。

    Article I mainly introduces the research background of the administrative legal liability of supervision management of mine safety .

  11. 最后,严厉地追究滥用市场相对优势地位行为的行政法律责任。

    Finally , we should strictly call to account the abuse of market relative dominant position behavior by the administrative punishment .

  12. 而我国对矿山安全管理行政法律责任的规定,一般都是散见于各种法律规范中。

    But the Provision on administrative legal liability of safety management of mine in our country usually sporadically appears in various legal norms .

  13. 我国注册会计师法律责任可分为行政法律责任、刑事法律责任和民事法律责任。

    In our country , CPA legal liability divides into the administration legal liability , the criminal activity legal liability and the civil legal liability .

  14. 我国海洋环境行政法律责任归则原则主要有三个,即过错责任原则、违法责任原则和危险责任原则。

    There are three main principles of marine environment administrative legal responsibility , including fault responsibility principle , illegal responsibility principle and risk responsibility principle .

  15. 税收行政法律责任制度作为保障税法实施的机制,是税收征纳过程中不可缺少的环节。

    Tax administration system as a mechanism for protecting the legal responsibility to implement the tax is the tax levied indispensable part of the process .

  16. 这就导致了政府不履行或不当履行环境职责时,无法追究政府的环境行政法律责任。

    Which has led the non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of environmental duties , the Government can not be held responsible for the environmental administrative law .

  17. 另外,由于考虑到虚假广告出演者自身的特殊性,其法律法责任一般只涉及到民事法律责任、行政法律责任。

    In addition , given the particularity of actors for false advertisements themselves , their legal liability only relates to civil legal liability and administrative legal liability .

  18. 通过对我国行政法律责任制度的立法现状的阐述,为分析我国行政法律责任制度的缺陷奠定了基础。

    Through the exposition of the legislative status of our administrative legal responsibility system , lay foundation for the analysis of defects in our administrative legal responsibility system .

  19. 因为税收行政法律责任在税法体系中的稳定性,所以以什么样的法学视角进行研究是一个非常关键的问题。

    Because of the stability of the tax administrative legal liability in the tax legal system , so it is very important to choose a legal research perspective .

  20. 这一法律责任的性质主要是工会作为集体合同职工一方当事人和法定代表人违反集体合同中双方的约定应承担的违约责任和未能依法履行职责而应承担的行政法律责任。

    Being the party of employees and legal person of the collective contract , it should take the responsibility for breaching its obligations in accomplishing the contract according to the legal responsibility .

  21. 要明确税收行政法律责任制度的重要性,首先,应当从基础理论入手,掌握税收行政法律责任的实质。

    To clear the importance of tax administrative legal liability system , first of all , it is necessary to start from the basic theory , and grasp the essence of the tax administrative liability .

  22. 同时,其中的经济行政法律责任的形式还可以扩展到责令停止违法行为和没收违法所得,撤销登记则是应该非常慎用的一种责任形式。

    Meanwhile , the form of the administrative responsibility can be expanded to the order to stop illegal act and confiscation the illegal income , and the measures of cancellation registration should be used very carefully .

  23. 我国的现实情况决定了应当针对不同类型的海洋环境行政法律责任形式确立不同的归责原则,建立一个包括过错、违法、危险责任原则在内的多元化归责体系较为科学。

    The reality in China decides that we should establish different imputation principle according to different types of marine environment administrative legal responsibility form and establish a diversified system including fault , illegal and risk responsibility principle .

  24. 本文试图立足于我国实际,对我国行政法律责任制度的缺陷及其困境进行分析,通过借鉴国外行政法律责任制度的有益经验,对我国行政法律责任制度的发展与完善提出建议。

    The paper analyzes defects and the difficult position of administrative legal responsibility system based on our reality . Using valuable experiences of foreign , the author put forward suggestions on the development and improvement of administrative legal responsibility system .

  25. 文章还从法律上指出了这种侵权行为的构成要件以及侵权者应承担的民事法律责任与行政法律责任,并从七个方面对防止和根治抄袭行为提出了对策建议。

    From the perspective of law , the paper discusses the elements constituting such an infringement act and also the infringer ′ s civil and administrative legal liability , and expound countermeasure suggestion to guard against and eliminate plagiarism from 7 aspects .

  26. 税收行政法律责任作为最基本的税收法律责任,有着扎实的理论基础和系统的规制体系,是税法学的基础理论之一,对税法实践研究具有重要意义。

    Tax administration tax liability as the basic legal liability of taxation owns a solid theoretical foundation and systematic regulatory frame . And it is one of the basic theories of tax law and it means a lot to the practical research of taxation .

  27. 行政垄断法律责任的界定及构成要件

    The Definition and Constitutive Requirements of the Legal Liabilities in Administrative Monopoly

  28. 关于行政机关法律责任的思考

    Some Thoughts on Legal Responsibility of Administrative Organs

  29. 行政垄断法律责任研究

    Study of Administrative Monopoly Legal Liability

  30. 害给予相应补救。最后,我国现有法律法规中关于行政垄断法律责任的规定具有不明确性。

    Eventually , some regulations about the legal liability of administrative monopoly in domestic laws have the uncertain characteristic .