
  • 网络administrative collection;administrative requisition
  1. 并认为行政征收和行政征用的差别体现在财物处分的程度不同、后果不同等方面。

    The main difference between administrative expropriation and administrative requisition lies in their consequences and extant .

  2. 行政征收与行政征用制度比较分析

    A Comparison and Analysis of Administrative Collection and Administrative Expropriation System

  3. 论行政征收的设定及法律救济

    On the Enactment and the Legal Succor of the Administration Imposition

  4. 对于行政征收的概念行政法学界尚未统一,具体有两种,这两种定义的主要区别在于行政征用与行政征收的关系上。

    There is no unified definition about administration collection in the academic circle .

  5. 委托征收的特征是:委托征收是对税款的行政征收;

    The characteristic of it is : tax - collecting agent is an administrative collection .

  6. 行政征收征用之公共利益的界定&在现行宪法语境下的思考

    Definition of Public Interest in Administrative Collecting and Taking - over & Thoughts under the Current Constitution

  7. 行政征收问题研究

    The Study of Administration Collection

  8. 行政征收是行政主体依法强制无偿获取相对人财产所有权的一种具体行政行为。

    Administrative collection is a specific administrative act which the administration can free access to the property ownership in impulsive ways according to the law .

  9. 在我国,传统征收理论认为征收即行政征收,它包括行政征税和行政收费两种形式。

    In china , according to the traditional expropriation theory , expropriation is administrative expropriation , and think that administrative expropriation includes taxing and administrative charge .

  10. 作为国家财政主要来源的行政征收,由于制度不健全及管理不到位,出现了目前征收较为混乱的局面。

    Due to the imperfect system and management , the administrative levy , major source of our national revenue , has taken on the presenting messy aspect .

  11. 在现代社会,政府强制性地取得私有财产主要通过两种方式:一是行政征收,二是行政征用。

    In modern society , there are two ways for the government to acquire private property compulsively : one is administrative levies , the other is administrative expropriation .

  12. 第一部分,土地征收程序概述。本部分从行政征收的概念出发,探讨了土地征收的涵义、土地征收程序的涵义以及土地征收程序的一般步骤等有关土地征收程序的基本理论问题。

    Starting from the concept of administrative acquisition , this section examines some fundamental theories of land acquisition procedure , including the connotations of land acquisition and its procedure .

  13. 我国应在坚持行政征收程序模式的基础之上对现有制度加以完善,以实现对被征收主体权利的切实保护。

    In China'we should perfect the present system on the base of insisting on the mode of administrative acquisition procedure in order to realize the actual protection of private rights .

  14. 土地征收作为行政征收最主要的一种类型,一般而言是指国家为了公共利益的需要,依法取得、使用私人土地或者其他影响私人土地权益的行为。

    As a typical type of administrative acquisition , land acquisition generally entails the legal acquisition and usage of private land by the government for the purpose of public interest .

  15. 应根据产权理论和行政征收原理加以改革,分别建立独立的集体土地征收制度和农地转用审批制度。

    It should be reformed based on property rights theories as well as administrative levy principles , and establish independent system of levying collective lands and system of converting agricultural lands to another use respectively .

  16. 本章主要介绍了域外两大法系典型国家有关于行政征收征用中公共利益界定的相关界定,并在此基础上对两大法系的界定进行比较。

    This chapter introduces the Two Legal typical extraterritorial national levy on the requisition of the executive to define the relevance of the public interest defined on the basis of the definition of the Two Legal compare .

  17. 文章对行政征收的涵义进行论述,分析其特征,并阐述了国有土地上房屋征收行为及其有偿性的法律依据。

    The statement on what is administrative expropriation and its features is included in this article and further this article describe the legal basis on expropriation of housing which is built on state-owned land and compensation on such expropriation .

  18. 我国传统征收理论的缺陷主要表现为以下几个方面:征收范围的狭窄性,认为征收就是行政征收,即行政征税和行政收费;行政征收与行政征用的区分标准不明确;

    The plight of our traditional expropriation theory is manifest in the following aspects , the narrow scope of the expropriation , the unclear difference in standards between administrative expropriation and administrative requisition , as well as the contradiction between mandatory and obligations .

  19. 本部分主要对征收与补偿的基本理论进行了探析,主要介绍了征收与补偿的基本概念、行政征收理论、公共利益理论等;第四章是房屋征收补偿的原则。

    This part researches some basic theories of expropriation and compensation , including the definition of expropriation and compensation and the theories of administrative expropriation , the definition of public interest . The fourth part is the principles of compensation in house expropriation on state owned land .

  20. 浅议行政诉讼费用征收制度

    On the Collecting System of Administrative Litigation Expenses

  21. 在葡萄牙,行政部门的征收行为受《征收法典》的统一规制。

    In Portugal , the expropriation of adminstrative departments is provided in code of Expropriation .

  22. 第四条社会抚养费的征收,由县级人民政府计划生育行政部门作出书面征收决定;

    Article4The family planning administrative departments of the people 's governments at the county level shall make written decisions on the collection of social maintenance fees ;

  23. 通过提供网上报税、纳税服务,降低纳税人纳税的成本、减少澳门特别行政区财政局征收成本。

    By providing tax declaration and tax paying service online , it can lower the cost of the taxpayer and it also reduces the tax collecting cost of the DSF .

  24. 反观某些征地单位利用目前土地征收制度中的漏洞,利用农民对土地征收法规的无知,利用行政机关在土地征收中的优势地位,从中获取巨额利润。

    In some land expropriation unit using loopholes in the current system of land use and land ignorance of farmers , the use of land in the executive dominance from reaping huge profits .

  25. 地方各级人民政府应当加强对本行政区域内税收征收管理工作的领导,支持税务机关依法执行职务,完成税收征收任务。

    The local people 's governments at various levels shall strengthen their leadership in the administration of tax collection within their jurisdictions and support the tax authorities in carrying out their duties and accomplishing their tasks of tax collection in accordance with the law .

  26. 进而作者运用行政法理论分析了行政征收无偿性的不妥之处,指出行政征收是有偿的。

    The author analyses the wrongs of the view that " administrative levy is gratuitous " by means of the theory of the administrative law and points out that administrative levy is non-gratuitous .

  27. 行政收费通常是作为行政征收的下位概念,与行政征税(简称税收)相并列,而被放在具体行政行为里讨论的。

    Administrative fees are usually charged as a lower administrative concepts , and administrative tax ( the tax ) with a tie , and on the specific administrative act has been in discussion .

  28. 本文从行政法学的角度,分析了行政征收中的一些问题,并提出了一些规范征收的设想。

    From the perspective administrative law , this passage analyses some problems in the eminent domain , and pose some idea on the norm of charge .

  29. 同时,行政即时强制还应当与行政强制措施、行政处罚和强制征收相区别。

    In the meantime , administrative prompt coercion should be distinguished from administrative coercive measures , administrative penalty and compulsory collection .

  30. 执法上,对行政补偿缺乏有效的监督,行政补偿执法不规范,行政征收、行政补偿程序混乱;

    On law enforcement , administrative compensation lacks valid supervision , the enforcement of it is not normalized , the procedure of it is in disorder ;