
xínɡ zhènɡ àn jiàn
  • administrative case
  1. 从一起行政案件看信赖保护原则

    Debating the Principle of Protection of the Reliance from an Administrative case

  2. 关于行政案件异地交叉审判模式的思考

    The Discussion of Administrative Case Trialing off-site

  3. 海关案件和外贸案件远比一般的经济行政案件复杂。

    The lawsuits related to customs and foreign trade are more complicated than other administrative suits .

  4. GATS与证券行政案件几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on GATS and Several Issues in Administrative Cases of Securities

  5. 关于审理工伤认定行政案件若干问题的思考

    On Issues of Handling Administrative Cases of Appraising Injuries at Work

  6. 办理消防产品行政案件应注意的问题

    The Problems with the Disposal of Administrative Cases of Fire Products

  7. 我国林业行政案件问题研究

    Studies on the Issues about Forestry Administrative Law Cases in China

  8. 行政案件立案审查的若干问题探讨

    Discussion of the Proceedings of Filing and Checking Administrative Cases

  9. 本安排不适用于行政案件。

    This Arrangement shall not be applicable to administrative cases .

  10. 日本行政案件诉讼法一起行政复议案件的分析

    Administrative Litigation Law of Japan Analysis of An administrative Reconsider Action Case

  11. 浅析行政案件审理依据的适用

    On The Basis Application Sitting Judgment On The Administration Case

  12. 日本《行政案件诉讼法部分修正法律案》介绍

    Introduction of Amendments to Administrative Litigation Law of Japan

  13. 试论国际贸易行政案件法律适用问题

    Law Application in Cases Involving Trade - related Administration

  14. 六是赋予民事、行政案件的起诉权。

    Sixthly , endow procuratorial organ with prosecuting power of civil and administrative cases .

  15. 高度重视群体性行政案件的立案受理工作。

    Attaching great importance to the registration and acceptance work of mass administrative cases .

  16. 我国反倾销行政案件诉讼主体制度之我见

    On China 's Anti-dumping Administrative Litigation Subjects

  17. 第七十四条人民法院审理行政案件,应当收取诉讼费用。

    Article 74 A people 's court shall charge litigation fees for handling administrative cases .

  18. 行政案件传统上实行书面审,法院在审理案件中具有主动性。

    Proceedings traditionally are conducted in writing , the role of the court is rather active .

  19. 认真做好群体性行政案件的稳控工作。

    Earnestly doing a good job in the stabilizing and controlling work of mass administrative cases .

  20. 随着科学技术的发展,行政案件也逐渐变得更加专业化和多样化。

    With the devlopment of the scientific technologies , administerial cases become more specialization and diversification .

  21. 第五十条人民法院审理行政案件,不适用调解。

    Article 50 A people 's court shall not apply conciliation in handling an administrative case .

  22. 日本行政案件诉讼法

    Administrative Litigation Law of Japan

  23. 人民法院审理行政案件,对具体行政行为是否合法进行审查

    In handling administrative cases , the people 's courts shall examine the legality of specific administrative acts

  24. 受理法律、法规规定可以提起诉讼的其他行政案件

    Shall accept other administrative suits which may be brought in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations

  25. 论我国民事与行政案件类型之界分

    On Differentiation for Civil and Administrative Case Types and the Construction of Authority Dispute 's Solution Mechanism in Our Country

  26. 但由于行政案件相对较少等原因,我们对行政判例的研究远赶不上民事、刑事案件。

    Because of fewer precedent administrative case , our study on administrative case is far away from civil , criminal cases .

  27. 人民法院依法对行政案件独立行使审判权

    The people 's courts shall , in accordance with the law , exercise judicial power independently with respect to administrative cases

  28. 三是行政案件审判难,案件质量难以保证;

    Thirdly , it is difficult to adjudicate the administrative cases and it is also difficult to guarantee the case quality ;

  29. 在我国,调解是处理民事案件、部分行政案件和轻微刑事案件的一种重要方法。

    In our society , mediation is an important method to handling civil cases , administrative cases and minor criminal cases .

  30. 介绍一起认为规划许可行为侵权行政案件的基本情况及发生经过,评析其争议焦点。

    This paper introduces a law case in which a plan permit is considered tortuous and reviews the focus of this case .