
shāng fàn
  • Peddler;pedlar;small retailer;peddling
商贩 [shāng fàn]
  • (1) [peddlar]∶叫卖的人,如沿街叫卖或挨户出售(水果、蔬菜)的人

  • (2) [small retailer]∶现买现卖的小商人

商贩[shāng fàn]
  1. 他先得申请商贩执照。

    First he had to apply for a pedlar 's certificate .

  2. 这个商贩爱打听别人的事,有点儿饶舌,总是心痒难熬地到处打听消息,并迫不及待地把它传开去。

    The pedlar was inquisitive and something of a tattler , always itching to hear the news and anxious to tell it again .

  3. 他们雇了一些彪形大汉,将附近私自占点的商贩都赶走了。

    They had employed heavies to evict shop squatters from neighbouring sites .

  4. 集市上的商贩摆出了一系列具有异域风味的该岛农产品以供选择。

    Market traders display an exotic selection of the island 's produce .

  5. 该行业的没落给数以千计辛苦经营的商贩带来了难言的苦楚。

    The demise of the industry has caused untold misery to thousands of hard-working tradesmen

  6. 商贩们的纪念品生意很红火。

    Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs

  7. 这个地方污秽不堪;我看多半是走私冒险商贩过往落脚之处。

    It was a dirty place enough , and I dare say not unknown to smuggling adventurers .

  8. 该词最初指在狂欢节等场合为了吸引人们注意而配合骗子积极对其表演做出回应的同伙。后来,这个词逐渐用于不同的语境。比如,在市场营销中,shill指受商贩雇佣,假装成顾客给其好评的“托儿”。

    Its original use was to describe a person who acted as a swindler 's accomplice , a shill is a person who gives the impression that they are a satisfied independent customer of someone they 're in fact secretly working for .

  9. 有些人正在大声同兜售货物的商贩讲价钱

    Some were haggling loudly with traders as they hawked their wares .

  10. 站在自己位于市场里的服装摊前,38岁的商贩OneLove表示,他最喜欢的国家同时也是高端商品最重要的来源就是巴西。

    At his clothes stall there , One Love , a 38-year-old market trader , says his favourite country and best source of quality merchandise is Brazil .

  11. 方法对南宁市的建筑工人、宾馆和酒楼服务员、理发美容人员、小商贩、学生等进行AIDS知识与态度问卷调查。

    Method Using self-designed questionnaires to investigate knowledge and attitude for AIDS among construction workers , hotel and restaurant attendants , workers employed in haircut and cosmetic services , businessmen , vendors and students .

  12. MohamedBouazizi是一名蔬菜商贩,他厌倦了滥用职权的官员,自焚身亡。

    Mohamed Bouazizi , a vegetable seller , became so tired of abusive officials that he set himself on fire and later died .

  13. 假《白雪公主》(SnowWhite)娃娃或假《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)背包的生产者和商贩已接到中国国家工商行政管理总局的通知,工商总局承诺将用一年的时间,“在全国开展保护迪士尼注册商标专用权专项行动。”

    Producers and peddlers of fake Snow White dolls or " Frozen " backpacks were put on notice by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , which pledged in a statement to carry out a special one-year " crackdown on infringement of Disney 's registered trademarks . "

  14. 小商贩披上斗篷在风雨中继续走着。

    The peddler cloaked himself and went on in the storm .

  15. 你会否主动地向商贩索取胶袋使用?

    Will you take the initiative to request the plastic bags ?

  16. 卖水果的商贩艰难地推着车子沿街走去。

    The fruit seller trundled his cart along the street .

  17. 一名菲律宾商贩在博卡韦整理一卷鞭炮。

    A Filipino traders in the bocaue finishing a roll of firecrackers .

  18. 集市上到处是商贩们的叫卖声。

    The cries of the market traders were all around .

  19. 食品商贩上了离开缅甸仰光市的一列火车。

    Food traders join a train leaving the Burmese city of Rangoon .

  20. 自由市场里商贩们不停地叫卖着。

    In a free market , retailers hawk their wares .

  21. 他比以往任何时候都更象一个生意兴隆的商贩了。

    He looked more than ever like a prosperous bagman .

  22. 如果你是唯一商贩,这是更可能。

    If you are a sole-trader , this is even more likely .

  23. 另有一个商贩说,有关部门仍允许卖活鸡。

    A third seller said authorities were still allowing sales of chickens .

  24. 不远处,小商贩在兜售蔬果和手工艺品。

    Nearby , vendors sold vegetables , fruit and crafts .

  25. 北京街头无照经营商贩生存状况调查研究

    A Survey of the Living Status of the Unlicensed Peddlers in Beijing

  26. 本期,我们采访了第五大道上的一位街头商贩。

    We talk to a Fifth Avenue street vendor in this issue .

  27. 和相关熟悉的商贩一起去他的养殖场购买。

    And together with the traders to buy his farm .

  28. 公共选择视角下的城市流动商贩管理

    Floating Vendors Management in the City under the Theories of Public Option

  29. 毫无疑问,每个人都想从诚信度高的商贩那里购物。

    No doubt everybody wants to buy goods from a trusted seller .

  30. 市场商贩就像农家场院的公鸡一样大声吆喝。

    The market traders cried out like barnyard cocks .