
gōng xiāo
  • supply and marketing;supply and distribution;supply and sell for
供销 [gōng xiāo]
  • [supply and distribution] 供应和销售

  • 供销两旺

供销[gōng xiāo]
  1. 企业有权安排自己的产供销活动。

    Enterprises are free to plan their production , supply and marketing .

  2. 近年来,全国供销合作社系统深化综合改革,在促进现代农业建设、农民增收致富、城乡融合发展等方面做了大量工作。

    Supply and marketing cooperatives across the country have deepened reforms and contributed a lot to promoting the development toward modern agriculture , increasing rural income and boosting integrated urban-rural development .

  3. 供销合作社要完善体制机制,拓展服务领域,加快成为服务农民生产生活的综合平台,成为党和政府密切联系农民群众的桥梁纽带。

    The cooperatives should improve systems and mechanisms3 , expand service areas , and accelerate efforts to become a comprehensive platform for serving rural production and livelihood4 as well as a bridge for the Party and the government to connect with farmers .

  4. 并在J2EE平台上采用MVC模式设计供销存系统的体系结构。

    Use the MVC model design the Supply and marketing system structure on J2EE .

  5. SaaS(SoftwareasaService,软件即服务),是随着互联网技术的飞速发展与应用软件的日趋成熟而形成的一种新型软件服务供销模式。

    As the rapid development of Internet technology and the mature of application software , SaaS ( Software as a Service ) has become a novel supply-consume pattern in software service area .

  6. 广东新供销商贸公司(guangdongnewco-op)承认会定期得到政府补贴,但将与楼下菜市场的竞争描述为“适者生存”。

    The Guangdong new co-op store admitted it regularly received government subsidies , but characterised the competition with the wet market downstairs as " a survival of the fittest " .

  7. 功能包括BOM管理、供销存管理、生产管理、计划管理及成本管理等。

    System functions include BOM management , Material management , Production management , plan management , cost management , and so on .

  8. 结合某供销储运公司组建物流联盟的实际问题,建立了ANP理论为基础的盟员选择模型,并利用超级决策软件进行求解。

    Analytic network process ( ANP ) and Super Decisions software were used to complete member selection for Supply and Marketing Transport & Warehouse Company .

  9. 论述了面向供应链的ERP理论和ERP系统体系结构的进化,提出了基于B/S结构的供销管理系统的设计方案。

    After discussing the supply chain oriented ERP theory and the evolvement of ERP system architecture , this paper raises a design project of supply and marketing management system which is based on Browser / Server Structure .

  10. 通过ERP和电子商务的整合,发挥其1+1>2的整合优势,推动了企业链产供销一体化管理的形成与良好运作;

    The conformity of ERP and EB that exerts conformity advantage of " 1 + 1 > 2 " which drives integrative management of production , supply and marketing in a corporation chain to form and operate well ;

  11. Gazprom及乌克兰公司Naftohaz于周一签订长达十年的天然气供销合同,两国总理达成协议。

    Gazprom and its Ukrainian counterpart , Naftohaz , signed a 10-year contract Monday , based on an agreement between the prime ministers of both countries .

  12. 随着经济市场化和全球化的发展,国内医药市场呈现出日益复杂而多变的竞争格局,处于医药行业的东药集团供销公司(以下简称GX公司)面临多方位的竞争挑战。

    With the globalization and marketization in the development of Chinese economy , the competition situation of domestic medicine industry has been becoming more complicated and changeful .

  13. 管道煤气供销差率的校正

    Correct of Diversity Ratio of Supply and Marketing for Pipeline Gas

  14. 我们就要击垮你的供销网络。

    We 're about to break the back of your distribution .

  15. 供销社如何有效推进体制创新?

    How did the supply and Marketing Cooperative propel sysytem innovation ?

  16. 物资系统一枝独秀&四川省眉山县供销物资总公司

    Meishan County Supply & Ssles Materials General Corp. , Sichuan Province

  17. 构建供销社发展的新框架

    Structure the new frame of development of supply and marketing cooperative

  18. 丰田用一种合作的方式组织供销商网络

    Toyota managed its network of suppliers in such a collaborative manner

  19. 基于主动性思想的制造企业供销存模式研究

    Research of Supply-Marketing-Inventory Pattern Based on Active-work Conception in Manufacture Enterprise

  20. 第三,供销社在新农村建设中的文化功能。

    Third , the cultural function of supply and marketing cooperatives .

  21. 在坦桑尼亚,政府控制了农业供销的大多数方面。

    In Tanzania , the government controls most aspects of agricultural marketing .

  22. 石油物资供销部门如何降低物流成本

    How the Petroleum Materials Department to Lower the Logistics Costs

  23. 我们是机床供销商。

    We are suppliers of machine tools of various types .

  24. 利用有线电视网建立农业科技推广和产供销网络体系

    Building agriculture science popularization and economic system through CATV networks

  25. 供销社的再造与农村经济的发展

    Second Creation of Supply and Marketing Cooperative ad Development of Country Economics

  26. 供销合作社联合社内部组织结构改革初探

    Inner Organization Structure Reform Pilot Study of the Supply and Marketing Cooperative

  27. 完善我国供销合作社企业治理的思路

    How to Perfect the Governance of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives

  28. 北京市蔬菜供销链战略成本管理研究

    Research on Strategic Cost Management of Beijing Vegetable Supply and Marketing Chain

  29. 吉林省供销社系统发展连锁经营战略研究

    JiLin Province Supply and Marketing Cooperative System Strategic Study of Developing Chain Management

  30. 关于供销合作社改革的几个理论与实践问题

    Some Theoretical and Practical Problems on the Reform of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives