
  • 网络commercial success
  1. 一位研究人员告诉《金融时报》(FinancialTimes):女性更注重社会成功,而非商业成功,她们比男性从组织中获得的更多。

    As one researcher told the Financial Times , Women are putting more emphasis on the social than commercial success and they are getting more out of the organization than men .

  2. 尽管这是恭维之语,将他与Facebook创始人相比在我看来并不十分恰当:这夸大了杜罗夫的商业成功,却没有充分反映出他的个人成就。

    Though flattering , the comparison with the Facebook founder does not seem quite right to me : it overstates Durov 's commercial success while , if anything , understating his personal accomplishments .

  3. 戴维斯的作品由于太过怪诞而难以获得商业成功。

    Davies 's writing is far too off-centre to be commercial .

  4. “袜铺”是20世纪80年代商业成功的范例之一。

    Sock Shop was one of the high-street success stories of the 80s .

  5. 亨利J凯泽坚持说:你能想象你的未来。他相信他的大部分商业成功是由于幻想的作用。

    Henry J. Kaiser maintained that you can imagine your future , and he believed that a great part of his business success was due to positive use of daydreams .

  6. 亨利·J·凯泽坚持说:“你能想象你的未来。”他相信他的大部分商业成功是由于幻想的作用。

    Henry J. Kaiser maintained that " you can imagine your future , " and he believed that a great part of his business success was due to positive use of daydreams .

  7. 上周五,巴西马拉松运动员范德莱•德•利马(VanderleideLima)在里约点燃火炬(见上图),标志着美国全国广播公司(NBC)对奥林匹克运动会(OlympicGames)商业成功的数十年押注翻开最新一章。

    When Brazilian marathon runner Vanderlei de Lima lit the torch in Rio on Friday , it marked the latest chapter in NBC 's decades-long bet on the commercial success of the Olympic Games .

  8. 由于只依赖于网页的图结构而与搜索的主题词无关,并且由于Google公司的巨大商业成功,PageRank已成为当今广为知晓的分析网页重要性的方法。

    In nowadays , PageRank has emerged a popular link analysis model , mostly due to its query-independence , using only the web graph structure , and Google 's huge business success .

  9. 1984年,他领导的第一个商业成功的电脑使用鼠标和图形用户界面的Macintosh的发展,再次颠覆了计算。

    In1984 , he again upended computing by leading the development of the Macintosh , the first commercially successful computer to use a mouse and graphical user interface .

  10. 虽然他没有盖乐世Note7,但他的反应反映出韩国人对三星怀有的典型的强烈感情。三星是这个国家从遭战争破坏的农耕国家转变为全球经济强国过程中出现的最激动人心的商业成功故事。

    Though he does not own a Galaxy Note 7 , his reaction was typical of the intense feelings South Koreans hold toward Samsung , the most dramatic corporate success story to emerge from the country 's transformation from a war-torn agrarian nation to a global economic powerhouse .

  11. 总结艺术家商业成功的一部分基本要素。

    Summary of artist commercial success is part of basic elements .

  12. 从我的经验看来,拥有博士头衔只会对获得商业成功产生负面影响。

    Empirically , having a Ph.D.is negatively correlated with business success .

  13. 祝你从此走向商业成功。

    MS guo , you will have a great business success .

  14. 爱普斯坦坚信在21世纪创造力是商业成功的关键。

    Epstein believes creativity is key to business in the21st century .

  15. 首先,宏观经济稳定---商业成功的重要基础。

    First , macro-economic stability - the crucial foundation for business success .

  16. 定期参加晚会是取得商业成功的很重要的一步。

    Attending parties regularly can be a critical step in business success .

  17. 他们接受了意见并且取得了巨大的商业成功。

    They did and it was a huge commercial success .

  18. 这么多年来,我体验了各种层次的商业成功。

    Over the years , I experienced various levels of business success .

  19. 美国娱乐业是本世纪商业成功的神话。

    The American entertainment industry is this century 's business success story .

  20. 作为华人是否让你更容易取得商业成功?

    Does being ethnically Chinese predispose you to commercial success ?

  21. 创造社会价值,实现商业成功。

    To create social value and achieve commercial success .

  22. 像那样好的商品是取得商业成功的保证。

    A product as good as that is a guarantee of commercial success .

  23. 他们是为了商业成功的大目标。

    It should be about the greater goal of making the business successful .

  24. 我的商业成功建立在及时的市场调查基础之上。

    My success in business is based on timely survey of the market .

  25. 直到今天,这部小说仍然备受读者欢迎,而且获得了巨大的商业成功。

    Even today , the novel continues to enjoy popularity and commercial success .

  26. 前期规划是在云中的盈利能力和商业成功的关键。

    Upfront planning is the key to profitability and commercial success in the cloud .

  27. 好域名是帮助您商业成功的最佳工具!

    A good Domain-name is the best tool to help you to achieve successful .

  28. 网络时代通向商业成功的不二选择!

    Commercial network time to successful best choice !

  29. 版式的大小在报纸的商业成功里扮演什么角色呢?

    What role does a newspaper 's physical size play in its commercial success ?

  30. 产品开发的风险评价是确保产品获得商业成功的重要环节。

    Risk evaluation in product development is a key linkage for product commercial success .